Billie Jean.

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Chapter 5
I'm writing this down as quick as possible because I literally can not forget this. Natasha totally just got into a fight and completely won. God this is going to be so hard to read when I read this back. Basically, Rumlow was fucking around with me and like tripping me and shit. Normally I would step up and threaten to beat his ass and then it would go south from there, but Nat noticed that it was me from across the courtyard and saw what was going on. I was about to throw my first punch, claiming it was self defense because he punched me first, and Nat completely lunged at him and went for it. I really just stood there shocked. The teachers had to pull her off of him. I guess her pent up frustration towards him finally built up, and she snapped. As soon as everyone saw her run they started coming to the scene. They wanted to watch it go down. Also, I'm writing this in the principal's office. Apparently Nat needed a "witness" and I guess that's me. Basically I'm just trying to get Natasha out of any deep shit. She could get suspended for this, so Nat and I may be lying about the certain set of events. They'd take my word over Nat's or Rumlow's any day. I never really lie, but I think God will let me pass with this one.
11/05/2001 pt.2
So, conclusion for today: Rumlow got the shit kicked out of him, and the news of Natasha has been going around school all day. No one could believe that, god forbid, someone got beat up by a girl. Wow. Who knew that girls were capable of beating someone's ass? It's not like she could be stronger than him or something. I do have to say, she did a lot of damage to his face. Some say that she broke his nose. Others say she broke his front teeth. Some even say she broke both. The complete raw power Natasha has right now is terrifying. Tony isn't exactly happy with her right now, but everyone else sure as hell is. Tony thinks that violence isn't the answer. Complete opposite to Tony is Loki and Clint, who were in the crowd cheering. Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky came over to help the teachers trying to pull Natasha off. For being so small, Nat really puts up a fight. All of first lunch certainly got a treat today. On another note, Bucky won't stop listening to fucking Billie Jean. He said it "gets him hype" for the football game this Friday. It's literally only Tuesday. I'm not sure how long I can deal with this for. In October it was "Smooth Criminal" and now this month it's going to be "Billie Jean". He's really about to ruin both of these songs for me. He keeps asking me to dance with him, but he'd have to put a gun to my head to get me to dance. I'd rather kill myself than dance, especially to Billie Jean. If it were a slower song, maybe. But Billie Jean is way too fast for me. My body would probably give up on me. Bucky, on the other hand, can dance all day. Probably because his body is actually capable of physical activity. He always loves when we go over to Tony's. Pepper is always over with Tony, and Pepper always loves to dance. We'll probably go over to Tony's after the football game for a party, and then he'll have his chance to dance. God, seriously I swear to god if he doesn't stop listening to Michael Jackson. It's really hard to write like this. Also, he doesn't ask me what I'm writing anymore. Maybe he's caught on to the fact that I don't want to talk about it?
Just as I wrote that line, I see him in the corner of my eye. He's trying to snoop and see what I'm writing. I then closed my book, and smacked him on the head with it.
"Fuck, Steve." He cried, holding his head in his hand.
"Don't snoop, Buck." I said, wearing his classic shit eating grin on my face.
"I'm just curious, that's all."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"Well I'm not a cat, I'm a dog." I smacked him on the head again that comment. It wasn't hard, it was more like a love tap.
"Smartass!" I giggled. He winced and grabbed his chest, acting like he was in pain.
"Awe! You called me smart! Thanks, babe!" He teased. I do have to admit, him calling me "babe" made my heart jump. It sent butterflies into my stomach. I wish he would call me that seriously.
"You're welcome! What do you want? A kiss on the cheek?" I joked back. Bucky cocked his head to the side and put on his shit eating grin.
"Sometimes I do." He said. It caught me by surprise. He sounded serious. His voice sat in a very low register when he said it. It drove me wild. Then before I knew it, I thought on my first instinct. Our beds aren't too far from each other, so it wasn't hard to reach him after he sat back down from me hitting him. I waltzed my happy ass right in front of him, bent down, and planted a kiss on his right cheek. I felt his face heat up under my lips. I then stood up straight, walked back to my bed, and opened up my math textbook to start doing my homework. I didn't even stare back at him. I said nothing. Just started working on algebra. I didn't look back, but I heard Bucky flop back on his bed, and sigh. It wasn't a bad sigh, it was more of a "I'm blown away" type of sigh. I really hope I was reading the signs right, because it really looked like he was asking for it. I then heard him mumble something.
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! I swear it's going to get a lot more interesting!

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