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Chapter 14
"Well thank god that worked." I said aloud. Mrs. Barnes laughed. "I didn't think he'd ever stop hyperventilating. That would've been an awful four hours for him."
  "Tell me about it. I don't think he ever would've calmed down if it weren't for you. You help him a lot." She said. I blushed at that comment.
  "Well I owe him. He's always been there for me, even since we were young."
  "You both have always been there for each other. You are a good set of kids."
  "Thank you." I smiled. Even though I wasn't trying to put Bucky to sleep, my hand was still on his thigh. Quite frankly, I don't feel the need to move it. It's now been about two hours since we got in the car. That means only two more hours on the road. I just need him to be asleep for two more hours. As was watching him I noticed that he was cold, so I grabbed the blanket from out of my bag. One of our bags had to go on the floor in the back by us, so I chose mine to go there. I put the blanket from my bag on him. I thought it would be weird if I put my hand back on his thigh, so I just pulled my hand back to myself. I crossed my legs and leaned my head against my window in an attempt to fall asleep. I shut my eyes and listened to the cars whirring past. There weren't too many on the road. Mrs. Barnes explained that she chose to leave so early because it would be easier on Bucky. She was right. If she would've went later it would've been awful. I set my head there for about an hour, until I felt a hand ripping my left leg away from the other. I didn't open my eyes, but I felt his hand move up and down the inside of my leg. From the way it seemed, Bucky was awake and he just wanted to distract himself. I guess the blanket wasn't doing a good enough job, however this is doing a great job for me. It feels nice, too nice. I'm trying to restrain any sign of pleasure from appearing on my face. There wasn't really much thigh to hold, but goddamn there was enough. How does this keep turning into the "Bucky is making me go crazy" show. My hormones really need to turn it down because it's getting to be too much. My mom kept my hormones in check, and now my hormones are definitely not in check. God, I could stay like this all day. I don't even want to get out of the car now. I took a deep breath and sighed. Bucky knew exactly what I meant. He kept doing that the whole ride to the cabin. It's probably the best car ride I've ever had.
  "Alright! We're here!" Mrs. Barnes exclaimed. Bucky, sadly, let go off his grip on my thigh. I looked up and I was blown away.
  "Woah." Bucky and I said in unison. That one cabin is like three of our apartments. It's huge. I wouldn't expect anything less from the Stark family. Buck and I immediately opened the car doors and grabbed the stuff from inside the car. We wanted to get in there as quick as possible. We both wanted to see what the inside looked like. As we walked in we were even more surprised. It was beautiful. Mrs. Barnes would be sleeping on the second story and we would be sleeping on the left. My room is on the left side of the hall and his is on the right. Even the beds were huge. They looked as if they were a king. I've never even been on a king sized bed before. The biggest I'd seen was a queen sized bed and that was Bucky's bed. I'm not sure what size bed Mrs. Barnes has but it's probably nothing compared to this. However, I feel like the bed will be insanely empty. I'm so unbelievably small and the bed is so unbelievably large. I wish I was able to share the room with Bucky. This room has its on bathroom and everything. The shower is huge and the bathtub is even larger. I wonder what it would be like if I took a bath with-
"Steve. Shut up." I thought in my head. He's really ruining my pure virgin brain. I started to yawn. It's only 9:00 AM and I'm completely worn out. I didn't sleep in the car, I just shut my eyes. Yesterday Mrs. Barnes said we could take a nap when we get there, and I might take her up on that offer. I walked out of my room and down the hall into the kitchen. The kitchen was phenomenal. It was absolutely humongous.
  "Need any help?" I asked. The Starks had already completely loaded the kitchen for us when we got there. I had to remember to thank Tony when I see him in person. I feel like a thank you text wouldn't be as sentimental.
  "No sir. I've got it all under control." She said. She seemed grateful for the offer.
  "Would you mind if I took a nap? I'm completely beat." I asked. It felt rude to fall asleep without offering help first. Apparently Bucky didn't agree, because I heard him snoring from my room.
  "You don't have to ask, Steve. You're always welcome to do what you like." She smiled and said. She's such a sweet woman.
  "Thank you, Mrs. Barnes." I turned around and walked back to my room. Bucky left his room door cracked open a little bit, that's why it was so easy to hear him snore. I smiled as I walked past his door. His little snore is so cute. I took off my sweater and crawled into the large bed. I felt like I would be too warm with the sweater on.  Now I get why Bucky sleeps with his shirt off. It's much cooler that way. After staring at my ceiling for a while I dozed off in my sleep.

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