Secrets, lies & photographs

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Danny regretted not organising an Uber as she got into the black cab which had the distinct odour of feet. Happy to be back in London, with her feet firmly on the ground, she was a bit jet lagged but so excited to see Rachel and Tommy. She practically flew through the door, luggage in hand when arriving home, she called down the corridor but could only hear complete silence. Panic filled her entire body when she looked up and saw Alex stood in the living room doorway, a pity filled expression all over her face.

"What's happened?"

"Dan, I-"

She had heard nothing but heard enough at the same time, barging her way past Alex she got into the living room and saw Rachel sat on the sofa, face stained with tears and her eyes were bright red.

"Tommy?" Danny asked looking petrified.

"Upstairs." She didn't look up when she spoke.

Danny ran upstairs and her heart swelled when she saw him sleeping like an angel, she resisted every urge in her body to wake him and made her way downstairs to find out what the fuck was going on.

"He's fine." She smiled. "What's going on babe?"

Her body language told Danny not to get to close, she resembled a coiled cobra about to lash out emotionally and the photographer had no idea what was happening.

"I think Rachel needs some time Dan, why don't you go to the house and everyone can take some time." Alex was stood in between them.

"Al, with all due respect I am in my house. Will someone please just tell me what the fuck is going on."

"Google yourself." Rachel crossed her arms, she was completely drained and just the sight of Danny made her want to scream.

"What?" She asked but no one supplied an answer. Taking her phone out of her pocket she rolled her eyes as she typed her name into the search bar. What she saw made her knees go weak, a story had been leaked about Catherine Mayo's new love interest. Guess who?

It was the pictures that stumped Danny. There were three, one of her and Catherine against the car in Scotland, one of them holding hands on the red carpet and one with Kate straddling Danny in her office. An event which happened less than 24 hours ago.

"Rachel, this isn't what it looks like."

"Could you be less original? There's no better proof than photographic evidence. Was she good? Better than me?"

"Guys, I think you both need to calm down."

"Alex could you check the baby for me?" Rachel now couldn't take her eyes of Danny. Their friend left the room and reluctantly made her way upstairs, mainly to comfort Tommy if they woke him.

"Come on, tell me, did she make you feel better than I do?" Rachel repeated.

"I don't know, I haven't slept with her."

"Don't fucking lie to me Danny." Rachel threw her arms in the air in exasperation. "It's all there, it's everywhere. My brother rang me at 7am Danny! Everyone knows!"

"Please just let me explain." Danny reached for her instinctively.

"Don't touch me! We're meant to be happy. How could you do this to me? How could you do this to Tommy?"

"Babe please listen, I can explain all of this. It's bad yes, it's so not as bad as it looks though."

"That woman has sat in our lounge and you've been fucking her all along. When did it start?"

"I haven't slept with her Rachel. She's my boss so I was trying to impress her and -"

"Oh I bet you impressed her! Why won't you just tell me the truth?"

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