The New Blakey's

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Danny had survived the rest of the weekend trying to think about Kate as little as possible, she'd been alternating through stages where she was angry at her and thought it was all her fault, to Kate being completely insignificant and all the blame being her own.

The rest of the group had noticed how quiet she was after the first night but didn't put much thought into it. Jamie had checked in with her the next morning and asked if anything had happened, she'd reassured him nothing had gone on. She couldn't be honest with anyone until she'd decided wether or not to confess to Rachel, there was still a shot no one would find out about this. It was awful and yes, she did kiss her back but she couldn't be responsible if she didn't instigate it surely?

All she wanted to do during the journey back was be at home with her girl, she wanted to sit her down and explain everything, she probably would have pushed herself to if it wasn't so close to their son being born.

Unable to shake the feeling from her mind, she tried to work out if she wanted to tell Rachel just to ease her guilt or if she genuinely wanted to be honest with her. She felt awful and couldn't hide it as she was constantly lost in her guilty thoughts.

The group shook hands and said their goodbyes before going they're separate ways. Helen dropped Danny off home, spending the whole journey thanking her for returning Jamie in one piece.

Shutting the car door she looked up at the house, their home. Taking a deep breath before unlocking the door, the smell of home hit her and comforted her straightaway. It made her realise she had to tell the truth to sort this Kate thing out; she wouldn't let any indiscretion ruin her safe place.

"Dan, is that you?"

"Hey babe, I'm home." She shouted up at her, taking a minute on the bottom step to unlace her converses and mentally prepare herself. Instead of just blurting it out she had concluded that she wouldn't lie to Rachel if she was asked but she wouldn't volunteer the information either. It was a kiss that she didn't start but she did end it, she still felt bad but it's not as if she slept with anyone else.

Looking around she found Rachel lying down on the bed with the free standing fan blowing over her. She was watching Orange is the New Black which she paused when she saw her.

"Hey, oh it's so good to see you. Don't just stand there, come and give me a cuddle. I've got something to tell you."

Danny moved towards the bed and curled up behind Rachel on her side, rubbing her legs with her cold feet.

"Hey, stop stealing my warmth."

"I missed you." The photographer said honestly, kissing the back of her neck.

"I had a show the day you left."

"While I was away? Good for you. West end?"

"No I didn't see a show I had one. The mucus plug. Did you read the baby book?"

"Yeah, I may have skipped that bit cause it sounded gross. I'm sorry I missed it, I've been here for all of it and now I've missed this."

"Babe it was completely gross and I wouldn't have shown it to you anyway!"

"So this means soon yeah? This means we're just waiting on the waters now?"

Rachel manoeuvred onto her back so she could nod at her fiancée, kissing her she stroked her face like she'd been gone for months. Danny continued the kiss down her body, stopping at her swollen belly.

"Come on then little man, don't keep us in suspense! The sooner you get out of there the sooner I can fuck my wife."

"You wife?"

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