Bend it like Beckham

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Rachel hurriedly made her way to the entrance of the restaurant, she was already fifteen minutes late, she'd been trying on some of her larger maternity clothes, now requiring something with a bit of a give. Being absolutely ravenous she planned to put this dinner with Alex to good use now she was finally here.

Entering the dining area she was hit with the smell of garlic and warm bread when she spotted her friend, sat at a corner table engrossed in her phone.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late."

"Don't worry sweet." Alex stood up and gave her hug before letting her go so she could take off her coat. "Getting big now."

"It's going to be bigger in a minute. I'm so hungry, I've had breakfast, lunch and snacks but I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks."

"Oh enjoy it, he'll be here before you know it."

"I know, I can't wait to meet him already. The crib is coming tomorrow, I want to set it up in the nursery but Danny's not going to be here."

"Where's she off to?"

"Oh Kent for some work thing, it's only one night. What? Don't look like that, it's fine. I took your advice and she's been a lot less, well, handsy. She has no idea how hard it is to resist her." Rachel answered just before the waiter approached to take their order.

"So let me get this right." Alex handed her menu back. "Your happy because you made her cum for the first time in months and presumably you didn't let her touch you?"

Rachel shook her head in response.

"Now she's working away, which she's never done before and she's stopped being 'handsy' with you?"

"Well don't you just know how to shit on people's fireworks!"

"You've spent too much time with Danny. Who says shit on people's fireworks? Look all I'm saying is, if it were me I'd have alarm bells going off that's all."

"I have to trust her. I'm not worrying until I've got something to worry about, there's enough going on as it is," She paused to annihilate another breadstick. "What is a relationship without trust anyway? Come on Al, we're having a baby together. Well, that and I've seen the work e-mail and itinerary, she's not going to have time to get up to anything naughty even if she wanted too."

They both laughed making the waiter who was placing their drinks on the table feel self conscious.

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't give her enough credit, she's different with you." She seemed genuinely apologetic.

"It's ok. She's trying so hard at the moment. She's at home right now working on merging images or something. The money she's bringing in is crazy compared to before; she's kitted out the nursery and she's constantly buying clothes."

"She texted me a picture of the baby's England Football kit actually. She's excited Rach, it's really nice to see."

"Yeah well, we'll see how excited she is when she's being thrown up on at 3am." She couldn't help but smile, they never spoke like this, not since Alex contributed to her and Danny's fight years ago but the pregnancy had bought them closer. Everything was slotting into place nicely and Rachel felt completely happy and content. "How's life treating you anyway?"

"Yeah good," She replied. "I'm working on this free standing sculpture at the studio in Camden but that's about it really. Oh I made the best Kung Po chicken last week."

"Mmmmm hmmm." Rachel took her turn and raised her eyebrows at her friend.


"Kung Po chicken? Danny reckons you've met someone. You were quiet at dinner the other day and now your talking about cooking again so I think she might be on to something." She could tell when Alex was lying and stared her down.

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