The Family Gathering

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Tidying around the kitchen, Rachel prepared for her family's visit, they were meeting her brother and his girlfriend in the city later for drinks and tapas, she had been looking forward to it all week. Actual company would be nice, even when her fiancée was home she was constantly working and it was beginning to worry her. She'd talked to her mother and Alex about Danny seemingly becoming more distant towards her due date but they could offer no helpful advice. Her mother wanted to talk about other ways people show intimacy which turned her pregnant stomach while Alex helpfully compared sex with Danny to walking a dog. If it wasn't done regularly they'd end up shitting on you.

She missed sex, she missed the physical connection and the orgasms, Danny knew everything she liked and it was never boring, never the same. The lack of physical intimacy had caused a shift in their relationship and she desperately wanted to fix it. All displays of affection were now sparse and she knew she'd had a go at her a few times for getting carried away but she didn't want her to stop altogether.

Attempting to de-scale the kettle she heard the door go, the photographer must have come home early to help.

"I'm in the kitchen."

"Hey, I've been sent home."

"Ok, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I've got to talk to you."

"Ok, this doesn't sound good."

"It's neither good or bad. It's inconsequential really but apparently I'm not allowed back to work until a decision has been made." She set her laptop on the kitchen table, after a few minutes she gestured to Rachel to take her seat and made a pot of coffee while her fiancée read the e-mail and contract.

"Danny, this is incredible. It's like winning the lottery!"

"I know, I checked and that is the correct figure so ... I don't know, doesn't it feel a bit too good to be true?"

"No I think someone's finally worked out what your worth. This is an amazing opportunity."

"Yeah but it will also involve a lot of trips away. I remember you not being a fan of that so much, back in the day."

"That was different, I'm completely different plus we've got a child to think about. I can't believe you'll be working so closely with Katherine bloody Mayo. We're definitely celebrating tonight. I'm so proud of you, you know you sorta can't turn this down right? What does Louise think?"

"She's already interviewed my replacement. They're paying the company off to get me out of my existing contract."

"Jesus. Well at least all your hard work is appreciated. This is incredibly sexy baby, don't look so nervous."

"I'm not nervous, I'm just very conscious of keeping my hands to myself."

"Yeah a little too much, I haven't even had a cuddle recently. Don't you want me any more?"

"Constantly." She replied, scooping the mother of her child into her arms. "I'm sorry babe. I don't ever want you to think I don't want you."

Kissing her softly, Rachel held her face in her hands, there was her girl, she kept disappearing but she'd always come back. She let her finish making her coffee and went to the toilet, she constantly needed to pee.

"E-mail her now and tell her, go on. They can't expect you to trudge all the way back there surely?" She returned and wrapped her arms round Danny while she was sat at the table.

"Your sure about this? What if I like piss her off and she sacks me, then I've lost everything."

"You won't lose me or our son, I promise and that's all that matters babe."

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