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"Hey babe, I'm home. Rach?" Danny had walked into the house and was struck by the smell of banana bread. It compounded that relaxing feeling of being home even after just one night. Home was where Rachel was.

"Baby?" She continued to call down the hall. Long gone were the days when her fiancée would jump on her as soon as she got home, she pictured her running down the hall, leaping at her and wrapping her legs around her waist. They had been known on occasion to not make it past the hall at all.

There she was, sat in the comfy armchair, curled up reading a book with her head phones, Danny had never been able to understand how she could do both. She leant in the doorway and just watched the beautiful woman breathing, her chest rising up and down gently causing her neat baby bump to follow.

Minutes passed before Rachel felt someone watching her, she looked up and a subconscious smile spread across her face as she removed her glasses.

"Hey baby. Your home early. Are you ok? Come here."

Danny obliged and poured her slim figure around her fiancée and the chair.

"Oh you look shattered. Was it awful? That itinerary looked boring as shit."

"Yeah it was." She felt bad lying to her but it was orchestrated that way so she could relax. Mentally justifying it to herself that Kate had arranged the fake itinerary, dissolving her of all responsibility. "How's my little monster doing? Anymore wriggling?"

"A little bit. Nothing major, I'm starting to get really uncomfortable now though."

"Little way to go yet babe. Can I get you anything?"

"No I'm good thanks. Jamie called by this morning, he's left a list of people he wants you to invite for this stag do. What have you organised?"

"Something really special."

"So nothing then? Your cutting this fine."

"It'll all be alright in the end babe."

"You need to pull your finger out. So come on, how was it? Was she there?"

"It was ok. Hotel was pretty amazing. I've stolen you some slippers and soap."

"Oh how thoughtful!"

"I know! Kate was there and listened to some of my ideas which was pretty cool."

"Dan thats so awesome."

"Yeah well, she offered me a job but I think I'm going to stick with what I know."

"What was the job?"

"I don't know. Huh, I didn't ask, that's weird. Anyway, she's emailing over a contract to think about."

"That's amazing. I'm so proud of you. Even if you don't take it, it's a big compliment, she's really hot right now."

'You have no idea.' Danny thought, unable to shake the guilty feeling she had. She couldn't understand it, nothing happened, she'd restrained all urges yet she felt awful.

"Are you sure your ok?"

"Yeah I'm just tired babe. I've got a ton of stuff to do and I can't be bothered."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Your just perfect, I hope you know that."

"Well I'm glad you think that actually. My parents are coming up on the 23rd."



"I'm not being horrible but seriously."

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