CH26: Pranks Worthy Of Fred And George Weasley

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Minho p.o.v

I absolutely loved how perfectly she fit in my arms.

I woke up not because of the sun, but because of the knocking on the door.

"Millie! Open up!"

I shoot up at the Newt's voice booming outside the shack. It causes Millie to wake too. She rubs her eyes sleepily, but then all the sleep seems to go away in a snap when she realizes that Newt was right outside.

If you couldn't put two and two together, Newt seeing me here would be a disaster.

Come on, people. Even I figured that out.

"Hide", Millie commanded.

You don't have to tell me twice. I pecked on the lips once and hid behind a trunk that was conveniently placed at the corner of the room for me to hide behind.

Millie shot me an annoyed look, as if she couldn't believe I kissed her instead of hiding when her older brother was just outside.

What? If I get caught by Newt, I want my final moments to count.

Ducking behind the trunk, I shut my eyes and pray that I don't get caught.

Who am I kidding? I'm dying. We're getting caught.


Millie p.o.v

We didn't get caught. Minho was just being a drama queen.

Newt was suspicious at first, but then he left when I explained that I was sleeping.

It wasn't hard, really.

A week passed by since Alex was banished. Everything was pretty much back to normal.

I spent all day doing my job as a medjack when Newt and Minho were running the maze.

Clint was incredibly confused by the number of Gladers that came to the medjacks. He said that they were too many Gladers who were getting hurt.

After a while, he started to grow suspicious. He told me to take the day off, and that he will deal with the injured for the rest of the day.

It was past noon now and I finally saw Clint. He looked annoyed.

"What's wrong?", I ask.

"I knew it. As soon as you took the day off, literally no one got hurt. Nor a single Glader."

This confused me tremendously. "So, what does that mean?"

"They're getting hurt so that they can receive 'treatment'. From you", he put emphasis on the word 'treatment'.

Still not getting it. "What am I missing here?"

He groaned in frustration. "You're the only girl in the Glade, Millie. Remember?"

"So what? They're trying to flirt?", I joke.


To say I was dumbfounded would be an understatement.

But then again, what else should I have been expecting?

"This is ridiculous. They hurt themselves for that?", I scoff.

Boys will always be boys.

"I wonder what Minho will do when he finds out about this", Clint says.

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