CH12: Hurts More Than Sunlight Hurts Vampires Without Daylight Rings

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Minho p.o.v

"I promise", she says and pulls the phone away from her ear.

"What happened?", Newt asked.

"He's coming", Millie says in a possessed manner.

My worry grows as the seconds pass.

"He's coming. He's coming", she chants the words to herself over and over again.

She stumbles back a few steps and sits down heavily on the bed.

I rush to her side and wrap a hand around her to steady her.

"What have I done?", she asks me.

"Millie... calm down", I say cautiously.

She suddenly clutches her head tightly with both her hands and grits her teeth. Her eyes are shut tight. A strangled scream escapes from her, followed by a sob. The expression on her face is not one of regret or grief, but one of intense pain.

Newt makes his way towards her and wraps his arms around his sister.

He whispers something in her ear and hushes her. She continues shaking her head. Newt looks at me with pleading eyes and I know what he's telling me.

So, I leave the room to go get a medjack.

Millie p.o.v

"Mil, you gotta calm down, you're freaking me out.", I hear Newt say.

I don't bother responding. The pain in my head is too intense. It feels like my brain is being ripped apart from the inside. With the pain came the memories.

The memories of my family.

The memories of Ben

The memories of who put us in here. WICKED.

And finally, the memories of what I had come here to do.

Minho p.o.v

I ran faster than I ever have.

I race up and barge inside the medjacks' workplace searching frantically.

I make my way back outside to Clint's shack and don't find him there either.

I despondently make my way back to Newt.

I go back inside and see that Millie is still clutching her head, her face twisted in pain.

I shake my head at Newt

I quietly sit down next to her and Newt leaves, probably trying to give another try.

I turn to look at her. Her hair is falling around her face, some of it plastered to her forehead with sweat. Her beautiful face now wet with tears.

It was a mistake. All of it. I shouldn't have let her fight the Griever. I shouldn't have let her talk to that guy on the phone.

I suddenly feel guilty. I scoot closer to her and hug her close, like I could hug all the pain away.

She leans into me and hides her face in my chest. "I remember", she whispers, so quietly that it makes me wonder if she really said what I heard.

She then passes out in my arms and I let out a shaky breath. I felt relieved. She wasn't in pain anymore and that was enough.

For now.

Millie p.o.v

I wake up wrapped in something warm. Outside Gladers were yelling and sound of running could be heard. I can't hear anything over the sound of a blaring horn. It sounded just like the horn that sounded when I arrived.

I make a move to wake up, but am held back. I left my head up to see that it was Minho's arms that were wrapped around me and holding me back. My movement wakes him and he blinks continuously. It's still dark outside, but the faint light from the window illuminates his face.

His eyes widen and he drops his arms from around me. He stands up and coughs awkwardly. I stand up awkwardly too.

God, this is so weird

"I better go see what's happening", he says

I already know fully well what was happening. Even though, he said he wouldn't be here for a few weeks, he was here. He was in the box.

Ben was here.


R.I.P Cameron Boyce. My heart is broken. He was just 20 and too young. He was a part of my childhood. A part of almost every show I watched and was a smiling mess. His elfish smiles will always and forever be missed. Heaven just gained a beautiful soul, and this world just lost one of it's brightest lights. He's not gone, it doesn't work like that. Someone isn't completely gone until forgotten, and one of the most beautiful things about this world is that no one is ever forgotten.

Lots of Love,


The Glader Girl | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat