CH18: Stealing Thanos' Line

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Minho p.o.v

As soon as Millie is out of sight, I smack Alex's head.


"Ouch! What was that for?", he whines

I roll my eyes grudgingly and decide to go check on Millie.

Her shack was probably the one most glanced at. I could see most of the Gladers looking at it, usually wondering what she was up to, which is honestly very creepy.

I gently knock and open the door when she doesn't answer, to see Millie fast asleep. She looked peaceful when she sleeps.

There is NOTHING creepy about me watching her sleep, is there?

Says the guy who called the rest of the Gladers creepy for only glancing towards her shack, my inner voice said.

I'm talking to myself now.

God, you make me crazy Em...

Millie p.o.v



Someone was poking my cheek and I can't describe how annoying it is.

"I think she's dead", I hear Alex's voice whisper. "Think of how peaceful it will be from now on."

That's it.

I grab whatever is lying the closest to me and throw it at the direction from which Alex's voice came from.

"AHHHH!", I hear Clint's voice shout.

Someone else laughed. "You yelled like a little girl!", it was unmistakably Ben's voice.


"Please tell me I knocked him out", I plead with my eyes still closed.

"Nah", Clint says. "You should have gone for the head"

I sit up abruptly causing everyone in the room to take a step back with caution.

"It's not like I'm going to kill you, Clint", I say at his alarmed expression.

"But you can try", Alex said. "Hint, hint"

Clint shoved him and I laughed.

I urge them all out of my shack and evaded Newt's suspicious look as I headed to the showers.

The water was cold, but I didn't mind a bit. Today was the day I would officially start work as a medjack. To say I was excited to finally have a job would be an understatement.

I dry myself off and notice that my shirt is missing.

Shoot. I must have dropped it on the way.

"Anyone there?", I call out from behind the door.


It was Minho. Relief flooded me.

"Min, I think I dropped my shirt somewhere, could you find it for me?", I plead.

"Uh, yeah, okay. I'll be right back"

Just as was about to lose my patience and walk out to find it myself, Minho comes back.

"I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it. I got you another one."

I crack the door open an inch and stick my hand out. I grab the shirt and yank it on. It's really big and the sleeves were way longer than they were supposed to be. It should suffice.

I open the door and sigh. "Thanks Min"

He looks at me with an unreadable emotion. "No problem", his voice comes out raspy.

"Is this yours?"

"Yeah. How'd you know? Was it the size?", he smiles widely.

"Nah", I reply. "It smells like you."

Impossibly, his smile grew larger.


I walk into the homestead, eager for food. I was quite hungry since I hadn't eaten last night.

I sit down in between Alex and Minho, Newt and Ben directly in front of me.

"That shirt looks much larger than your size", Newt observes.

"That's because it's not mine. It's Minho's", I reply

Newt's looked alarmed, and then a little angry. "What in the bloody hell have you two been doing!?"

Oh. My. God.


Filler chapter.

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Lots of Love,


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