CH6: A Griever In Disguise?

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Minho p.o.v

"I need some answers", she blurts out.

I just sigh. I knew very well that this was coming.

"Very well then", I say, "Answers are what you will get."

Her eyes suddenly lit up and a small smile graced her face as she realized I was actually up for it.

She suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me to a space that was clear of any loose dirt.

She plops down and looks up at me expectantly. She raises an eyebrow.

Damn, how does she do that? I've tried that so many times and it does. Not. Work!

When I still don't move, she raises the other one too in a fluid motion.

Wait, she can raise both her eyebrows, one-by-one!? That's not fair! How does she do that!

I swear, this girl isn't human.

I shake my head and sit down next to her.

She rubs her hands together dramatically and turns to me.

"Okay, lets start off simple.", she starts. "What is this place called?"

"The Glade", I answer quickly.

Satisfied with my answer, she moves on to the next one.

"Why don't I remember anything?"

"You actually remember more than any of us did when we came up in that box. It took days for a few Gladers to remember their names", I answer with a shrug. "For all I know, not remembering who you are is natural-I guess compulsion even- before you come into the maze"

"What are those monsters out in the maze?"

"They're called Grievers. Merciless they are. They are half machine and half flesh. Not to mention the slime.", I shudder. "If one of then stings you, you'll be driven to madness and then killed because of the poison. It's lucky that we have grief serum, which can cure us. It's called the changing. The one who is stung gets back fragments of his memory. Not enough to put together our past or figure out who put us here and why. Grievers are- wait...", I trail off, realizing something I hadn't before I started to ramble.

I get slightly cautious and my posture is now stiff.

"How did you know that there were some creatures in the maze?", I let out slowly.

Millie p.o.v

I burst out laughing. That's why he got all weird. Who does he think I am? A spy? An evil conspirer?

Or a griever in disguise? Well, he is completely wrong.

I am much more devious and eviler. *Insert maniacal laughter*

Sorry, that escalated quickly.

Anyway, he looked even more creeped out after I burst out laughing. Oh my gods, I should probably explain before he decides to run for the hills.

Or the maze in this case.

"I am not one of the guys of the glade", I say.

He gives me a puzzled look.

I roll my eyes and say-

"Translation: I am not stupid"

He nods his head, now understanding. "Oh oka- wait what? Hey!!", he exclaims.

I can't help but laugh at his face as he huffs.

I laugh so much that there are tears in my eyes. I look at him to see that he's grinning as well. His grin slowly turns into a small smile as he looks at me laughing.

"What's. your name. anyway?", I ask in between laughter.

"You don't even know my name!? Everyone knows my name!", he says incredulously.

My laughter just increases and lie down on the ground. I recover from laughing and stare at the sunrise that can be seen clearly from here.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Minho follow my gaze and look up at the sunrise too. He follows my lead and lies down on his back next to me.

"Do you like it here?", I ask softly.

"It's kind of the home I remember so... yeah, yeah I like it here"

"Then I think I'll like it here too", I whisper.

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