The mall gone wrong

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Ein's POV

We all split off to do our own thing, I went to the book store because I wanted to get away from the others after that encounter. I stood at the back of the bookstore and looked at the books on the shelf, most of these ones were gardening and cookery books, Maybe I could get a cook book for Aaron, then he could cook me more food. I thought, looking at the shelf.

"So why are you really back?" I heard, I turned around to see Katelyn.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Why are you here? I know there's something going on, you're involved." She said, her voice sounded harsh.

"T-there's nothing going on, I-I just wanted a f-fresh start..." I said.

"Why should I believe you?" She said, "you almost killed my brother!"

"I-Im sorry, I-" She interrupted me by stepping forward and punching me in the face, I fell backwards, holding my cheek. She punched hard, 

 I saw her go to punch me again but someone came up behind her and lifted her off her feet by her shirt.

"Ack! What the heck!" She yelled. 

"If you hurt my boyfriend again I will hurt you more." Aaron said. I noticed that his werewolf ears were showing.

"Aaron." I whispered, he looked at me, I pointed at him, then my wolf ears. He must have understood because he hid his ears.

"B-boyfriend?" Katelyn asked.

"That's what I said." Aaron replied. He put Katelyn down and came over to me, he held out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up a little too hard and I fell onto him, he put his arms around me to stop me from falling.

"T-thanks.* I said.

"No problem, I'm going to the arcade with the others if you want come." Aaron told me.

"I'll join you in a minute." I replied, Aaron nodded and left, taking Katelyn with him. I looked over all the cook books and decided on one with some nice looking food and bought it for Aaron. I headed out of the shop to the arcade where Aaron said he had gone.

"Hey Ein! Come play this game with me!" Aphmau called, we played a racing game a few times and I kept winning.

"I can't win this thing!" Aph said after I beat her for the sixth time. I laughed.

"I'm going to go see what Aaron's doing." I said as she went back to the game.

"Ok, I think he's over there." She said, pointing towards some other games further into the arcade.

"Thanks." I said, heading in the direction she pointed. I found Aaron at the claw machine.

""You know those things are rigged right?" I asked, coming up behind him.

"I know, it's still fun to try." Aaron replied.

"If you say so. I'm going to go find something fun to do." I said, walking off in search of an arcade game to play, I settled on Pacman

Einron (Ein x Aaron)Where stories live. Discover now