Harry meets the Marauders

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Harry stayed sitting staring at the floor, going over everything he had just been told. He could hear the others whispering and knew that they were waiting for him to come out.

All of a sudden, he didn't want to see anyone. From the moment he read Hermione's and Ron's letter he wanted nothing more than to be here with everyone else, but now that he was here, he felt nervous. Harry had no idea what his parents were like and they in turn had no clue as to who he was.

He sighed. He knew he had to face them soon.

***********************************************************************************************An hour later, everyone was sat in the sitting room talking amongst their two separate groups when Harry walked in. He smiled awkwardly before taking a place between Ron and Hermione.

No-one knew what to say until Peter spoke up from his corner,
"Whoa! You look exactly like James" he tilted his head as if changing the angle would somehow alter the way Harry looked. Everyone exchanged uneasy glances thinking the same thing; how much of the future were they willing to tell Peter about?

"No way! That is so weird!" Sirius stood up and went to stare into Harry's face winking rather obviously. James got up and followed, pausing momentarily to squeeze Lily's shoulder which she immediately smacked away.
"Are you related to my Uncle Isiah? Everyone says I got my dashingly good looks from him" he smirked.
The girls all rolled their eyes. To Hermione and Ginny this sort of behaviour from a Potter was odd but they were gradually getting used to it; especially since they were able to be honest and upfront with the Marauders. With Peter however, they were walking a thin line with all the lies they were feeding him.

Ginny sighed. This was exhausting stuff.
"Probably. Harry doesn't know much about his parents", she turned to Harry and raised her eyebrows, "do you?"
Harry looked around awkwardly before clearing his throat and answering,
"Er....yeah. They...er...well...", he looked around for help which came in the form of some great improvisation skills on Remus' part. He furrowed his brow pretending to be in thought before telling those around him that his father had told him about a squib line of Potters and how Harry most descended from them, which would also explain his parents lack of interest in anything magical.

Hermione let out a sigh and before it could get any more confusing, sent a glare at Fred and George, placing in motion the plan they had all thought up earlier. The twins jumped up immediately and grinned maniacally before launching enthusiastically into an explanation of their several new inventions for their joke shop, making sure to tell the Marauders and Lily that they were welcome to join them in their room to have a play. All four marauders made to stand but Lily grabbed the shirts of Remus and Sirius who were on either side of her, pulling them back down onto the floor,
"Don't you dare Potter. You've caused enough trouble as it is with magic alone. Behave yourself!" James sighed and sat himself back down but nudged Peter slightly indicating he should go instead. Peter smiled and made to follow the Weasley twins out making sure to tell Lily he was only popping to the bathroom.

The rest waited for five minutes making sure Peter was a safe distance away before simultaneously throwing questions at the trio and Ginny. Once again, they were all silenced by Lily who stood up to move closer and made to sit directly on the floor in front of Harry, beside Ginny. She sighed before speaking,
"This is too weird. Just this morning I was making my rounds around the corridors at Hogwarts and the worst thing that I could think about was that I would fail my OWLS, and now look, here I am, sitting in front of a boy who is the same age as me but apparently also happens to be my son 20 years into the future. How absurd does that sound?"

Harry blinked. They know who I am, he thought. He glanced at Ron and Hermione who grinned at him. He looked back down to where Lily was sat. She grinned at him too and held out her hand, "Lily Evans. Its nice to meet you Harry" Awestruck, Harry shook her hand and introduced himself. This in turn led to the three marauders in the background coming forth and introducing themselves in turn.

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