If Only

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Harry lay on his bed, thinking. There wasn't much else he could do in a house where the other occupants wanted nothing to do with him. 

He thought about his parents; their life and what they may have been like. They would have obviously lived normal lives; most unlike him. Voldemort hadn't been as much of a threat then.

Had they even been dating? Did they know each other? Sirius and Professor Lupin would know. They'd been friends with his dad. Gone to school with him.

But both men had hardly written to him since the holidays, and when they did; they asked how he was, how his holidays were going. Thats it. Not even Ron or Hermione were telling him anything of interest. He knew something was up.

No-one was even letting the smallest of details slip, no matter how much he told Hedwig to peck at them. He still got the briefest of replies.

He'd tried to acquire copies of the daily prophet but nothing. There was absolutely nothing to do with Voldemort. It seemed he was keeping a low profile. Not to mention he didn't actually have alot to do at the dursley's, and he really hated it when he didn't have anything to do, because then he began to think of the tri-wizard tournament. How Cedric had been killed because of him. If he hadn't insisted both of them taking the trophy, Cedric would still be alive. Not only that, Voldemort was back because of him.

It was all a very big nightmare that refused to end.

Harry sighed to himself. They all thought he was so weak, despite-

-he was distracted from his thoughts by a tap on the window. Harry turned his head towards the noise to see it was only Hedwig.

"Probably back with more disappointing replies", he said to himself.

Opening the window, he let Hedwig into his room and led her towards the cage.

There was one letter. From Hermione and Ron both.

He opened it and began reading in the usual monotone voice he'd gotten himself used to.

Dear Harry,

Sorry its been a while but its really ecstatic over here. Blood Brilliant, Harry. The most oddest things have been going on. No it hasn't got anything to do with Voldemort or you know who. something much more wierd.

It's Sirius and Professor Lupin. They've gone mad, literally.

Harry stopped reading and processed the information. What had happened that Hermione and Ron were so excited. What had happened to Professor Lupin and Sirius?

He carried on reading,

...We got in really late and they were FIGHTING! like they were at each other like kids. And then Professor McGonagall had to use a separation charm on them to get them apart. Don't get too worried. They were just playing around, apparently, but Professor Moody still shouted at them and called them a pair of childish idiots, and told them to grow up and behave like the adults they were supposed to be. It was really wierd, Bloody wierd, i tell you. And then alot of other stuff happened, i'm sorry Harry, we can't tell you about that until you get here, but Professor McGonagall was really angry at the pair of them. She asked them questions on their years at Hogwarts and Oh My God, Harry. They're worse than us. Professor Lupin, Sirius, Peter Pettigrew and your Dad; they broke alot more Hogwarts rules than we ever have. Even your Mum, Harry. It was unbelievable. You should have been here Harry. You'd never believe it mate. The things we heard. Did you know that your dad once set the great hall on fire? And your mum hexed your dad alot. Everytime he tried to ask her out.

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