That can't be good

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"Gimme that!" James shouted, as  he tried to snatch the small potions vial from Sirius. They were both putting up quite a fight. 

"Let go. I had it first", Sirius argued through gritted teeth. He pulled the vial towards himself.

"No. You let it go. Moony gave it to me".

There was a sigh from the other end of the Gryffindor common room. This was a daily routine, but today, Remus blamed himself. It had been mere coincidence for him to run into the potions classroom looking for Proffessor Slughorn, when he just so happened to see a small vial of blue liquid, labelled as excess of phoenix tears. He just couldn't help sneaking it into his robes. He only planned on looking at it himself and maybe showing it to his fellow marauders.

Obviously he'd forgotten how excited his friends could become and hadn't expected them to just snatch the small vial out of his hands and start to argue over it. It was only phoenix tears. They only had the ability to enhace ordinary magic. They had no magic of their own excluding the ability to heal, but they had used phoenix tears in potions. It wasn't that big of a deal.

James and Sirius carried on arguing over the small vial for over an hour and Remus was really starting to get tired over it as well. He couldn't  keep it in any longer.

"Stop it!" he shouted. James and Sirius stopped immediately and were now staring at Remus in shock. "I had it first. I'm the one who brought it here". He got up to get the vial from his friends before they did some real damage, "Give it to me. I don't know why i brought it here in the first place" he said shaking his head. 

James and Sirius were looking guilty now. James finally let go of the vial and lowered his gaze to the floor, mumbling an apology. Sirius did the same, except, he didn't get go if the vial but walked forward to hand it to Remus. 

That was unexpected. Remus had thought that they would ignore him and carry on with their bickering, but instead they actually listened to him. What were they up to? 

He stopped in the centre of the room, looking suspicious. "What're you planning?" Remus asked cautiously. 

James looked up surprised and looked blankly at his friend, but he couldn't keep a straight face and ended up grinning. He looked at Sirius who was grinning in a similar way, then turned back to Remus, 

"Ah, Remy, our suspicious wolf. You got us" he winked. Slowly he started to move forwards to where Remus was stood. Sirius followed closely lowing the blue vial to his side. 

"We thought that you'd realise something was off time ago. you see...we planned for you to find those phoenix tears down in the dungeons" Sirius smiled. 

Remus looked confused. 

"You what?" 

James sighed in mock frustration, 

"We put the phoenic tears in the dungeon on purpose moony". 

"Why?" Remus asked.

"Well earlier, Prongs and I found this rather interesting spell in a book we took from the restricted section. A time travelling spell" Sirus answered simply.

"What's that got to do with me?" 

"Three reasons actually" James said holding up three fingers.

"One...we wanted you to come along. You're our best mate and we weren't about to leave you behind" Sirius said innocently, in such a way that made Remus smile and raise an eyebrow.

"Two...We needed three people to be present. It requires alot of magic" james added. 

"And finally...your a bloody marauder. It'd be unfair if you went along and got in trouble since you weren't a part of it; so the phoenix tears make you an official accomplice" Sirus finished, "So catch!" he shouted, throwing the vial high into the air and jumping into the entre of the room while James started to cast the spell. 

Remus jumped, caught offguard by Sirius' shot. He saw the vial twirling in the air and so ran in to catch it befre it fell and hit the floor. He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't get involved. For Merlin's sake, he was a prefect. He was going to get into so much trouble. 

Just then, Peter came running in through the portrait hole and charged at the three boys. Their eyes turned towards their small, blue eyed friend running towards them. He sounded quite out of breath, 

"McGonagall...knows a...about the...the bottle. S..She's-

The vial crashed to the floor between the four boys. This can't be good thought Remus.

Remus looked up, pale faced,

"YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD!" he screamed and leaped at the two grinning boys. Too bad he didn't get to them. As soon as he'd jumped, he was thrown backwards against the wall and slumped to the floor unsconscious. 

James and Sirius stared in shock at their friend. They had not expected such extreme side effects fron the spell. In quick realisation, they began to run towards Remus, but were similarly thrown backwards. James fell over a stool and hit his head on the floor with hard force. Sirius landed close by. He regained his balance quickly but didn't see the stool that James fell over, and tripped over it. He landed on his back painfully and didn't hear Peter's squeaky scream or see him flying through the air towards him. 

Although when he did, it was a little late. He swore loudly as Peter fell on his stomach, crushing his ribs and knocking the wind out of him. 

It wasn't over yet. As Sirius pushed Peter off of him, he felt an unusual pulling sensation in his chest; something like a portkey but more painful. It seemed to drain all the energy out of him. Sirius scrunched up his face and watched as Peter and James did the same. Bloody hell time travel was painful he thought, before he passed out. 

A/N: all rights go to J.K.Rowling. I own nothing. First fanfiction, would love comments and likes. :D

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