The Question is Why.

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Books were strewn over every surface that was available. Nowhere was there even a reference to a spell that locked away memories. That did not mean that when they found the spell, they would be able to reverse it especially knowing that Pettigrew was out there somewhere working with Voldemort. Remus sighed as he ran his hands over his face in frustration,
"I don't think we're going to find the book here".
Sirius groaned as he sat up. He leaned back against his hands replying to Remus,
"I'm done. Give up. I don't think I opened this many books when we were at Hogwarts".
Remus shook his head frowning. He started to stack the books around him into a neat pile in an attempt to clear up the mess they'd made.
"The Dark Lord is insistent on gaining access to the Department of Mysteries. He wants the prophecy" Snape looked around the room as he delivered the latest intelligence. The order had been called for an emergency meeting after Death Eaters had spontaneously carried out an attack in Diagon Alley on an unspeakable. The man in question was kidnapped and tortured for information on the death of the Potters. Just before he had been killed, the Unspeakable had been imperiused into breaking into the restricted offices to provide the Death Eaters with the files that discussed the events surrounding the Potters deaths. Snape had been there watching the interrogation and had gone several shades paler when he heard the Dark Lords questions. As soon as he had been dismissed he had flooed to Hogwarts and told Dumbledore what had happened.

"So what's the point of this? The unspeakable is dead and we can't get into the offices of the unspeakables to get out hands on what Voldemort wants, so tell me Snape" Mad-eye trained both of his eyes onto the man in question, "exactly what are we to do with the information you've provided".
Snape's eyes narrowed in anger,
"My job is to provide information that i believe is key to this war. I have done that. What you do with this information is none of my concern".
Moody opened his mouth to reply when tones stepped in interrupting his retort,
"So let us get this straight; Death Eaters kidnapped an unspeakable, questioned him about the Potters death -
"- not death" Snape hissed, "their lives. The people they interacted with, the jobs that they had, their families. Things that aren't relevant as they're dead so i saw it as a concern".
Tonks raised her eyebrows in understanding and nodded. Mad-eye grunted not seeing the relevance of the meeting.
"Wha's a plan 'en" piped up Mundungus.
Dumbledore stood.
"I believe the events that have taken place in the past couple of weeks are beginning to influence the present". Several hands begun to be raised in confusion but Dumbledore held up his palm, "i do not believe Tom is aware of our guests but that he is aware of the circumstances of Harry's arrival to headquarters. We had members stationed outside Privet Drive, it makes sense for Tom be taking the same precautions and keep tabs on where Harry is".
"But I thought that the protection around Privet Drive meant that no one that meant Harry any harm would be able to get anywhere near the house?" Arthur Weasley asked.
"They cannot cause Harry any harm, but there is nothing stopping them from keeping watch on the place. The charm protecting Harry acts a a barrier of sorts around Privet Drive. It is not a Fidelius Charm that hides the location".
"I see" Arthur responded, "so Remus and Sirius went and brought Harry to Grimmauld Place and the Death Eaters watching the place saw that and reported it back?."
"As usual, Black and Lupin decided to break the rules and do what they wanted and the rest of us are having to deal with the consequences. The Dark Lord now is beginning to understand how Potters mind works, the sacrifices he will make for those he cares about. He did it with Diggory when he bought his body back. The Dark Lord is no dim-witted fool; he knows Black and Lupin present a weakness. The other children around Potter are too well protected and so he's putting resources into getting his hands on Black and Lupin. What better way of luring Potter to him?" Snape drawled.
Realisation dawned on everyone's faces. Mad-eye cursed,
"What are you going to do about those two Albus? You know that you can't keep them locked up here. You can see how well that worked the last time. They'll just end up doing something even more stupid".
There was a pause as Dumbledore considered his reply,
"Regardless of what Tom is doing, our priority needs to be bringing Mr Pettigrew into the Ministry and clearing Sirius' name. I have my reasons for this so i do not need anyone questioning my decision." he paused as his words were being taken in, "I have faith in the two gentlemen upstairs to not see Severus' information as a concern but i will leave the responsibility ensuring that they both stay within Grimmauld Place with Molly, if that is not a problem". Molly nodded her head and accepted her task immediately, happy to be maintain her role within the house.
"Pettigrew knows everything about Remus and Sirius though" Bill voiced the thought that Dumbledore had not yet addressed. "He can tell Voldemort plenty about their habits".
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled,
"that may be so, however, the information that he could provide Tom with is not so secret that we need to be worrying ourselves over. A persons habits change a lot in 13 years" Snape snorted at this, "Neither Remus nor Sirius are the same boys that attended Hogwarts 20 years ago. Now, if that is all, we will end the meeting here".
"Black is a coward! He is no cousin of mine!" Bellatrix screeched. Pettigrew cowered as she spat at him when he brought up the Black family tree. Lord Voldemort sat back watching his most trusted Death Eaters recover from their time at Azkaban. He had began with a pitiful group consisting of Malfoy and Pettigrew and now he had Bellatrix, the Lestrange brothers and Dolohov. The war would be changing really soon and not in Dumbledore's favour.

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