Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

56 3 3

Older Marauders
Time travellers

Whispers carried themselves through the Wizengamot; filled to the brim with reporters, leading members of the Ministry of Magic and the Magical Law Enforcement Aurors. It was a field day for the reporters, ready with their cameras, frantically taking notes on the infamous prisoner that was seated in the centre of the large hall-like room, eyes darting around like a cornered animal. It was Peter Pettigrew.

It had come as a big surprise when Albus Dumbledore had shown up at the office of Cornelius Fudge with a caged rat in hand. It came as an even big shock to ministry officials when the rat was revealed to be a grown man who had supposedly died 14 years prior.

The trial had just ended. The case proclaiming the innocence of Sirius Black had reached mid point and was looking very promising. Several Order members; Kingsley, Tonks, Sturgis, Arthur and Hestia were gathered in the audience watching the trial in trepidation. Dumbledore had briefed then all about the possibility of Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters potentially intervening and so they sat, separately, dotted around the hall looking for a sign.

As the sonorus charm was cast and the Minister of Magic cleared his throat, the hall quietened. The man looked quite troubled and anxious as he spoke,
"The evidence gathered today has shed light on many events that have taken place in the last 14 years. I offer my deepest apologies to Mr Sirius Black for the incarceration he has been forced to endure. Rash decisions and actions put forth at the end of the first War have left deep wounds in all of out hearts and minds. Therefore, it is with the upmost sincerity, that i offer Mr Black 50,000 Gold Galleons as compensation. On behalf of the Ministry of Magic I declare Mr Sirius Orion Black cleared of the following charges; the murder of 13 innocent muggles , the murder of James Potter, the murder of Lily Evans Potter and finally, all accusations against Sirius Orion Black supporting He Who Must Be Named as a known Death Eater, will be deemed false and due to be cleared with immediate effect".
Cameras clicked and flashed, quills shook as they scribed out the words of the Minister. Cornelius Fudge looked up from the parchment that he was reading from, pausing before continuing,
"Now, in regards to Peter Pettigrew, we have the following: The murder of 12 innocent muddles on the 31st October 1981, for contriving evidence against Sirius Orion Black on the 31st October 1981 so that a verdict of guilty was assured, and lastly acquiring the ability of animagi without the consent of the Ministry of Magic. The Wizengamot has voted 4-1 guilty. Peter Pettigrew, you are hereby charged with life imprisonment in-
A loud explosion rocked the courtroom before Fudge could finish his sentence. A dark smoke began to spread from the centre where Pettigrew was sat in his chains, the earlier expression of fear replaced with a smug smirk. People started to cough as they breathed in the fumes of the smoke, scrambling away to avoid whatever toxic chemicals were filling the room.

Kingsley jumped up, wand out in front of him, eyes scanning the room for any other Order member. Doors opened and people ran. Figures started to form within the black cloud. Dumbledore was right.
They had come for Pettigrew.

Remus glared at the chair in front of him. His knuckles were white because he had his hands clenched around the back so tightly. It had been a big win for the Order when Dumbledore had announced that Pettigrew had been captured, yet here they all were again, hearing about how despite the Ministry acknowledging Sirius' innocence and Pettigrew's guilt, Death Eaters had crashed the trial and Pettigrew was once again with the Dark Lord.

More than anything, it was just frustrating as Dumbledore had become even more determined to ensure Remus and Sirius did not leave Grimmauld Place after Remus' run-in with Pettigrew. Sirius was particularly miffed as even though Pettigrew had gotten away, Sirius was now a free man yet still stuck in the house he was.
"It is imperative that we remain vigilant of our surroundings" Dumbledore explained to the two gentlemen as he delivered the bad news. Sirius snorted in response. Dumbledore looked at him over his half-moon spectacles, a small smile on his face,
"However, not all is dire news. I do have something for both of you that might interest you. I just received word Remus, that the ministry has approved of my decision to reappoint you as the Professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts".
"They did?" Remus' eyebrows shot far up into his hairline.
"Unfortunately they did have some reservations and so as a concession i have allowed Dolores Umbridge to oversee the learning at Hogwarts. I have nothing to hide do i?" Dumbledore winked at the two men.
"So everything i teach will be watched?" Remus looked apprehensively at Dumbledore, "Is that really the best idea, Professor? All the children will know that i am a werewolf, and parents-
"That is for me to be worrying about. It is my decision to employ you and you remember that".

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