The Entrance of another...

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For once, in all her five years at Hogwarts, did Lily Evans not run into the Marauders. What were they upto? 

It was the Christmas Holidays, and for Sirius, they had all remained at Hogwarts. It was actually the sweetest thing, but unfortunately, that meant that Lily would also have to put up with their annoying pranking for two extra weeks.

Lily had decided that as a Christmas present for her parents; to give them a trip on their own. This meant that Lily was to remain at Hogwarts and Petunia to stay with a friend. Lily had happily agreed, as her parents hadn't had alot of time by themselves, but Petunia hadn't been as coperative. According to the letter from her parents, she'd had a massive tantrum over how Lily was their favoourite daughter and got everything she wanted when she (Petunia) got nothing. This upset Lily quite alot, but she'd learnt not to get so worked up about Petunia.

Now here she was. All alone, since her friends were off with their families celebrating christmas. The only friend that she could actually spend time with was Remus; and he was off with his own friends, doing God know what.

Now that she thought about it; Potter and Black weren't harrassing her, not that she cared, but it was odd. They were upto something; what though?

She silently cursed Remus; the Prefect of the group. He never stopped them from pranks. He actually helped them, and she was sure he was a part of their sudden dissapearance.

She stopped. A wave of uncertainty passed through her, as if something had happened.

Then it hit her.

She'd seen Sirius go to the library. He'd made the excuse of getting a book for Remus. She unconsciously cursed herself. How had she not seen it. Remus never let anyone get his books for him. Especially not that arrogant toerag Potter and the self-obsessed Black.

Suddenly she broke into a run; right towards the common room. It would be empty without all the other Gryffindors; the perfect pplace to plan a prank without being disturbed. She give those Marauders a piece of her mind once she got her hands on them. To think that they could actually behave for once.

"The Marauders Rule" she rasped, out of breath and rolled her eyes. She remembered how Black had sweet-talked the head girl into making the Gryffindor password 'Marauder' related. They were all so obnoxious. Well Remus not that much, but he was still one of them.

She rushed into the awfully quiet common room. It was empty. No Marauders. Lily froze; staring around the common room. There was something off about the room and she pondered whether she should go and fetch Professor McGonagall. She didn't want to involve herself in any prank and get equally blamed for it.

She moved further into the room, stopping in the center. There was a broken vial of potion, and it smelt somewhat familiar; she just couldn't place the smell. Kneeling down on her knees to get a better look at  the vial, her middle finger of her right hand came into rough contact with a broken shard of it. Drops of blood started to fall from her finger and she quickly placed said finger into her mouth to stop the flow of blood. What she didn't notice was the small liquid substance that had been transferred from the broken vial to her finger; which she had just ingested.

Her eyes fell on a book that lay open next to the sofa to which she had retreated to. Lily didn't know what to do. She didn't even know why she was so bothered about the Marauders. They were a nuisance, and if they were gone; it was obviously a good thing. So what if Remus was her friend. So what if she had started to suddenly like James-


Did she just call Potter, James? What was wrong with her? She, and like him? When had this happened? She hated James-

She squeezed her eyes shut. Potter. Potter. It was Potter, not James. She hated all the pranks he did. He was a big-headed egotistical prat, and she hated him.

She sighed. No matter how many times she said it, she was starting to believe it even less. She was starting to grow a liking to him. Every time he asked her to go out with him. Everytime he said to the other girls who asked him.

So, in a way she was worried about him. Defeated, she picked up the book and started to read the page. Squinting in the dark she read-

"Time travel had only been mastered by the most powerful wizards. It is not common within the wizarding world and was deemed illegal by the year 1879 due to the drastic changes it caused the timeline. There still, are few ways to travel through time, one of them being Merlin's spell, 'Tempore subcinctus'-

Unfortunately, Lily read this out loud, thus activating the spell, with the joint power of her magical core and the poenix tears. She felt a 'Whoosh' sound and a pulling motion in her stomach. She suddenly felt queasy, and her sight was blurred.

As her sight returned, she looked up and screamed; then collapsed on the sofa she was sitting on. All she knew before she fainted was...

She was not at Hogwarts anymore.

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter. Really wanted to get Lily involved, but the next chapter will be up sooner, probably a few days. Enjoy and would love the feedback. Would love any ideas for what you guys want to happen next.

My personal thanks to Poorbaby26 for this idea.

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