Chapter 17

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It's finally October! This is my favorite month, so don't judge me.  

Chapter 17 is an early chapter, but I thought I should just put it up.  

Enjoy, Jellyfishes

Chapter 17 

He regrets kissing me? 

I should've expected that from Noah. How stupid am I to fall into this trap of his and actually let him make me feel like he liked me. I'm so stupid. Of course he doesn't like you, Stella. He likes Jessie. I wouldn't see why not. Hell, if I was a guy I would like her too. I just couldn't help but fell used, and lied to. The whole "I want you" nonsense was just his lust talking. 

He doesn't want me.  

I sighed deeply as I sat in Alyson's room staring down at my costume. I don't even know what it is. I hated the whole picking out costume thing, so I let Alyson do it for me. Hopefully it's something I like and can fit. "How do I look?" Alyson asked walking into her bedroom. She was dressed like the red queen from Alice in Wonderland. I think that really matched her personality.

Everything was in a set of black and red, and I'm just praying this isn't an Alice costume in here. "You look great." I muttered giving her a small smile. I don't even convince myself that I'm happy. Alyson stared at me and frowned before sitting next to me on her very large bed. "What's wrong?" she asked placing her hand on my knee.  

"Nothing, I'm just not in the Halloween mood right now." 

"You were this morning. What happened?"  

I'm not going to tell Alyson my Noah problems because there isn't any. He doesn't like me and I have to face the truth. I don't want to, but I have no chose. "It's nothing." I sighed standing up from the bed and grabbing the costume bag. "I'm gonna go change." I announced already walking towards the bathroom.  

When I got in I place the bag on the sink and slowly opened it. The first thing I noticed was the green fabric sticking out. The more I pulled it I noticed the end was this puffy material and boy was this thing short. As I pulled out my dress and examine it, I tried to think of who this maybe. Something caught my eye in the bag and I noticed it was wings.  

Fairy wings...  

No Alyson didn't. After all the things in the world she choose to dress me up as Tinkerbell. You wanna know who calls me Tinkerbell? Noah does. That guy I've been trying to not think about for a while now.  

Why must Alyson do this to me? 

The party was a full swing from since it started. Alyson is a pretty good damn hostess. I was still locked up in her room sitting on her bed in my Tinkerbell outfit. The wings didn't make me feel any better either. I have to admit it was cute, but anything but Tinkerbell. "What are you doing in here?" Alyson asked walking into the room with glass in hand.  

"Being Tinkerbell." 

"Tinkerbell doesn't sulk around while there is a very fun party going on."  

She held my hand with her supernatural strength and literally dragged me out of the room. My feet were actually scrapping the floor. "Stop being a shy baby, Stella. You look hot, trust me." Of course I do. When we reached downstairs I saw all these people dressed in these ridiculous costumes that I had to laugh at everyone. They crowded the large living room and kitchen, all the way to the pool. I don't have any fear that this party will get out of hand because this is Alyson we are talking about. 

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