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Hi ya! So here's the first shot.

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

1. I'm Fine

He glared.

She looked side to side, avoiding his gaze.

"What happened?"


"Swara told me you were complaining your shoulder pained."

"It was only for a moment. Don't make an issue of it." she muttered and stood up. "Let's go."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You're cringing as you hold your bag. You're not fine."

"I'm fine."

"Sure sure. You're fan-freaking-tastic, aren't you?!" he sneered at her.

"I said I'm fine!"

"Then why are those tears flowing from your eyes?"

Ragini quickly wiped at her eyes. "I'm not crying."

"Oh, those are just random water droplets falling from imaginary rain drops?!"

"I'm...its just extra water of my body."

"Extra water?" 😑

"Yes. I'm letting it out." 😐

"With your eyes?" Laksh glared.


"Do I look like a child to you?" 🙄

"No." 🤐

"Aish! Stop acting like a computer and answering 'yes' or 'no'." 😡

Ragini pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, looking down.

' can someone be this cute?' Laksh shook his head. 'Focus! You're angry!' Laksh hit her head

"Y-Yes. I'm sweating from my eyes. So what?!" Ragini countered back in anger.

There was pin drop silence as they glared at each other without backing down.

Slowly, but noticeably, there was a slow tilt at the end of Laksh's lips.

Ragini on the other hand was biting her lip, trying to stop her smile from breaking out.

Finally, none of them could survive the ridiculousness of the situation and burst out laughing.

Laksh rubbed away his tears as he got back his breath after a good laugh. "I should be angry. But you're really making my it difficult for me."

"I'm too cute for anyone to be angry at me, no?" she replied with a giggle.

Laksh rolled his eyes and swung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer, careful not to hurt her. "Okay. I can see that you don't want me getting involved. Fine then. I won't."

Ragini began walking and turned to smile at him. "You understood without me voicing it out. Thanks Lucky. You're really an amazing best friend."

"I won't get involved...but only this time." Laksh replied with a scowl, keeping pace with her steps. "Why do you let that rascal bully you?! You shouldn't have to do his homework everyday!"

"It's okay. Besides, being the geek I am, I like studying. And I love maths!"

"But still! You don't even let me beat him up when he hurts you."

"It was just a shove. I'm not hurt. I'm not made of feathers that I would just disappear if som-" Ragini stopped speaking as she felt him tighten his grip on her shoulders.

They both stopped walking, with Laksh looking at her in the eyes with a serious look.



"Don't. Don't ever say that you will disappear from my life. You're my best friend Ragini. It's you and me against the world, yeah? So don't ever leave me."

Ragini kept looking at him with open eyes, not blinking even once. They stared at each other as if none of the world mattered or existed for them. It was only him and her.

Slowly, a small smile made it to her lips. "I won't." she detached herself from him and raised her hand to his eye level. "Pinky promise." she held out her little finger towards him.

Laksh stared for at it for a moment. Then, he stared back at her.

He looked back at the finger, and then back at her.

A snort left him as he rolled his eyes. "What are you? Five?"

"No. Fifteen. Now promise me!"

"Aish! You're such a child!" nevertheless, he raised his hand awkwardly and linked his own pinky finger with her. "Promise." he muttered, acting embarrassed for having to act like her. He never could resist her wishes.

And that was because they were best friends, right?

Yeah, he was sure it was the matter.

"You know, I'm gonna lose my cool image because of you. Which girl would go out with me then?!" Laksh sighed dramatically.

Ragini frowned at the idea of Laksh thinking about another girl while making a promise to not leave her. "Huh! You're saying that now. I bet you will leave me for some pretty girl in glamourous dress and high heels when you adult."

Laksh wanted to shout no. But he still had to have the upper hand on the argument. He was the 'cool dude' in school after all. "Like you won't get a boyfriend who will be more important to you than me. You will leave my side then too."

Ragini was hoping a direct no. But it didn't seem so. "Huh. Maybe I will." she huffed in anger and another emotion she herself didn't understand.

Laksh could feel his irritation peak. "Then I will too I guess. Huh!"

"Whatever!" she hit him on the shoulder.

"Whatever!" he pushed her back.

Ragini glared and pushed him with all her strength. "WHATEVER!"

"OI!" Laksh couldn't get back his balance and fell on his butt. "Oh my royal behind!"

"Wh-what?! Ahahahaha... I can't believe you just said 'royal behind'. Ahahahaha.. This is so gonna be the topic of discussion at our bench tomorrow. Sanskar and Swara must know."

"What?! No. Don't tell them!"

"I will!" Ragini stuck out her tongue and ran away. "You can't stop me!"

"Wait! Damn it you pesky brat!" Laksh got up and started chasing after her. "Get back here! Oi! Hey! Aish, she can run. Hey, stop!"

As they ran laughing and screaming out at each other, one thing ran synonymous in both their hearts.

'Even if I get a future partner in life, they won't ever be able to replace you. No matter how much love I get, even their love won't be enough to fill the void in my heart if you leave me. Their love won't be enough to help me survive your absence. So never say that I'll forget you.'


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