Chpt 2

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The news

I woke up early and saw Dylan sound asleep. I smiled and walked downstairs cleaning the kitchen. Once I finished I dressed and went upstairs to tell Dylan I was leaving. He was so cute. I left a note instead.

Morning Hubby
I went to work early. Ill be home late. Don't wait for me. I love you. (Meinu wang) (:

I started the car and drove towards the building owned by the gang. It was in a rich area and surrounded by forest. I pulled up and walked out. Red was waiting out the door and I smiled.

"Hi Red. You didn't have to wait." He smiled back.

"Princessa... we need to talk." I looked at him confused and he sighed. He pulled me aside into an empty room. I sat down as he did.

"What's wrong Red. You're acting strange." He nodded.

"Well... your married. This gang is expanding to overseas and its getting more dangerous." I nodded.

"So you don't want me to work for you guys right?" He nodded.

"If you want I can find a better job for you. Or just stay at home. You're the Queen of our gang and we all will happily give you money."

"You already no what'll say. I want to earn the money. Not take yours."

"I know... I'll find you a better job then. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Red. When should I leave?"

"I'm sorry Meinu... could you leave now?" I looked at him confused.

"Like right now?"

"We have a meeting with another gang. You can work here till I find you a new job but for today you'll have to go." I nodded.

"Yeah. Okay then." I smiled and he hugged me.

"Message me okay. We should go out sometime. Just me and you."

"It's a date then?"

"Hmmm... sure." We both laughed and I left for the day.


"Hm... i might as well go doctors then surprise Dylan!" I smiled widely thinking of his reaction. I parked beside a bin near the hospital and saw a familiar face.


(Ex-best friend from pt 1 FIX ME)

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(Ex-best friend from pt 1 FIX ME)

Her eyes widened.

"Meinu. What're you doing here?" I nodded.

"I was just getting a check up. You?"

"Ohh... umm... same." I nodded.

"How've you been?"

"Same... great life."

"That's good. You still keep in touch with the others?" She shook her head.

"No... and you and Dylan?"

"Actually... we're married." Her eyes widened more.

"You and Dylan!? Wahhh." I smiled.

"Are you married?" I asked her. She smiled and shook her head.

"Not yet. I'm seeing someone though."


"Ah... just someone." I nodded.

"That's good... I better go before I miss my appointment." She nodded.

"Right. Nice seeing you Meinu." I nodded.

"You too Yuyan." I left and went to the counter.

"Hello. I'm here for my appointment." The lady nodded.


"Meinu Wang."

"Ah yes. He's waiting for you in the room." I smiled nodding.

"Thank you." I knocked on the door.

"Hello?" He smiled as I walked in. It was an old man in his 60's?

"Hello. Come sit." After a while of speaking he took some test and did a few other things.

"Ill go get the results." I nodded and he left. I looked around his office and noticed a photo. My eyes widened. It was a photo of the old man, a kid and Yuyan!? Hundreds of scenarios flooded my brain. But I just left it. As long as she's happy it doesn't matter. The kid looks like her. No wonder she was acting nervous. Must've thought I would tell everyone.

"I'm back." I smiled as the doctor walked in with a few papers.

"Okay so what's up doc. A cold?" he smiled but it faded. He sighed. For some reason... my heart dropped at his reaction.

"Meinu... you should brace yourself for what I'm going to tell you." His eyes. Full of pity. I hated it. It made my stomach turn. I started to shake off the feeling and laugh hoping this was a joke.

"Doc why are you so serious... it's just a cold... right?" He avoided eye contact.

"You have a special disease. Your body is slowly failing you... You have roughly 3 months to live."

"Wait. Isn't this like one of those times where you mix up the results? You're joking right."

"I'm sorry Mrs Wang. It's true."

From there... it was a blur. He was talking about what to do next but it didn't matter cause I'd die in the end. I hated it. The look he gave me. The look all the doctors gave me as i walked out. I arrived in my car and sat down trying to remember what he said.

"First you'll grow exhausted. Your body fail."

But I'm healthy

"Then you'll become forgetful. Brain failure."

I have the best memory. I was a A+ student!

"Lastly... your heart will stop."

One word replayed in my head. Dylan. What will happen to him? Will he leave me? will he love someone else? What if he never loves again and is alone? Will he try to follow me? How will I tell him? I don't want him to look at me like the doctors. All these questions flooded me. Till only the few words remained.

I'm going to die

I looked at my hands. Shaking. Tears began to fall. I had suddenly screamed and cried rapidly. I was shaking. I was weak but most importantly... I didn't want to die.

Fix you (Dylan Wang) season 3 of fix meWhere stories live. Discover now