Sick with a Cold

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"Ah choo!"

"Bless you, y/n. Are you getting sick?" Bilbo asked, the concern evident in his voice.

"No, of course not, it's just allergies. Nothing to worry about."

Actually, you felt terribly ill. Riding through the pouring down rain all day had you experiencing the beginning symptoms of a very nasty cold, but you weren't about to show any weakness in front of the company. You were relieved when the rain finally stopped and Thorin decided it was time to bed down for the night. All you wanted to do was curl up in a blanket beside the fire.

You felt so poorly that you hardly even touched your dinner. A fact which made Bilbo inquire as to your health for a second time. His concern truly was touching. As soon as you wrapped your blanket around you and lay down, you fell into a restless sleep full of unpleasant dreams.

Sometime in the night, you awoke with an excruciating headache, a terrible sore throat, and covered in sweat. You suddenly became aware of an almost suffocating weight covering you from your chin all the way down to your feet.

"Do you think that's enough blankets yet, Oin?" Kili asked while draping what must have been the fifth or sixth one onto you.

"That will be enough for now. We have to make sure she doesn't get chilled."

"I don't think that's going to happen," you said weakly. "It is warm enough under here now to bake a chicken."

"I knew you were getting sick," Bilbo said, putting his cool hand on your hot forehead. "You're burning up. But don't worry, we're going to take care of you until you get better. You won't even have to lift a finger."

"We can't sit around waiting for me to get better. We have a tight schedule to stick to."

Thorin squated beside you to give you a sip of water to ease your throat. "We can spare a few days. Besides, I'm not going to chance you getting worse, so stop protesting."

Convinced there was no sense in arguing the point any further, you decided to just rest and let it run its course. Over the next few days, the company pampered and waited on you like you were royalty. Kili and Fili wouldn't let you get up and brought you everything you needed. Bilbo held your head in his lap for hours at a time, just talking to you and stroking your hair. Thorin checked on you dozens of times per day. Bofur even went so far as to insist on spoon-feeding your soup to you. For the first time ever, you were actually sad about getting better.

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