Imagine playing Monopoly with the Company

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Based on a Tumblr imagine.

"Alright, all done!" You exclaimed, putting the finishing touches on the makeshift board. "Everyone interested in playing, gather 'round."

In an instant, several dwarves and a single hobbit joined you in a circle on the ground.

"Okay, the only thing left is to find something we can use for pieces, and some dice..." you muttered, trying to come up with ideas on the spot.

"You can use these," Nori said, pulling a pair of dice out of his pocket and tossing them to you.

"They're probably loaded," Dwalin said. "Nori has never played a honest game in his life."

"Well, they'll have to do," you said. "Now, we just need the pieces."

"Pieces of what?" Kili asked.

"Game pieces to represent each player as we move around the board. It can be anything really, as long as it's small enough."

Slipping your ring off your finger, you said, "For example, I'll use this."

Bilbo and the dwarves dug through their pockets and searched the surrounding area for objects that would be suitable. Bofur used a small, wooden figurine that he'd carved. Kili had his rune stone. Gloin pulled out one of his gold coins, although he kept a watchful eye on Nori the entire time. Everyone else just used whatever they could find.

"Look," Kili said, "there are real places on this thing. There's Rivendell, Erebor, the Shire. Are some of these other places real where you come from? Like this... Narnia, and Hogwarts? Haha, Hogwarts, what a name."

Admittedly, most of the finer details of the game, such as the property names, chance cards (and some of the rules for that matter), had escaped you. Some creativity was definitely required on your part.

"They aren't supposed to be, but after this experience, I'd be willing to believe anything. So, who's first?"

"Ladies first," Bilbo said. "Then you can show us how it's done."


You gave the dice a good shake and threw them in the center of the board.

"Wow, eleven, I'm off to a great start."

You moved your ring eleven squares and landed on a property.

"Ohhh, Stark that's a place I wouldn't mind dropping into anytime of the day or night, if you know what I mean."

"No, what do you mean?" Bilbo asked innocently.

"Nothing at all, sweetie," you said, patting him on the hand, leaving him with a confused expression.

"Of course I'll buy it," you added, counting out the money and handing it to Gloin, who was the game's banker.

"So, how do we win at this game?" Fili asked.

"Simply put, you want to try and buy as much property as possible. Then when other players land on it, you charge them rent. Your ultimate goal is to drive everyone bankrupt and be the only one left."

Passing the dice to Bilbo, he rolled a five and landed on the Shire, ironically enough.

"I have to buy my home," he said, handing over his money and passing the dice to Kili.

"Come on, give me a twelve," Kili said, shaking the dice hard in his hand before letting them fly roughly out onto the board. He really rolled a seven, and landed on the chance square.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"It means you pick up a chance card and do whatever it says," you answered.

Picking up the card, he stared at it for a long time before finally muttering out loud, "Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200."

He pouted his lips out as he put his piece in the little jail cell in the corner of the board.

"Oh, my little brother the jailbird...What would Mother say?" Fili joked.

"Oh, shut up. How long do I have to stay here?"

"Uh, for three turns," you made up. That sounded vaguely right anyway.

"That's forever," he whined.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time," you said.

Fili went next and landed on "Ass-gard," as he pronounced it.

"All the property is going to be gone by the time I get out," Kili complained while Fili handed over his money.

Dwalin followed Fili and also landed on the chance square.

"You've won the local beauty pageant," he read. "Collect $25."

"Must have been rigged," Bofur whispered, poking you in the ribs.

The game went well enough for a while without any incidents, but as properties were snatched up and funds ran low, the amount of bickering reached new heights.

"Okay, Bofur, pay up," Dwalin said.

"Well, you see, I'm a little low right now. Couldn't you let me sneak by?"

"No, and if you don't hurry up, I'm going to double my fee."

"Double it! That's highway robbery!"

"I don't actually think you can do that," you said.

"Nori, keep your sticky fingers to yourself and stop stealing from the bank!" Gloin yelled, slapping him on the hand.

"I haven't been!"

"Then where did all this extra money come from?" Dori asked, pulling pieces of paper out of various pockets on Nori's shirt.

"One of you must have planted it on me to frame me."

"What about my money?" Dwalin asked.

"How did I land in jail again?! I hate this game!" Kili yelled with exasperation.

"Only because you're losing," Fili said.

It didn't take long until they were on their feet fighting amongst themselves.

"Guys, calm down. It's just a game."

As soon as the words were out of your mouth, one of them accidentally kicked the board, scattering the money and pieces all over the place.

"Why did I think this would be a good idea?" You asked Bilbo over the sound of their argument.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out the Stark Tower thing."

"Oh, Bilbo." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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