Imagine falling for Lindir during the company's stay in Rivendell

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Requested by @Child_of_MiddleEarth


In spite of what the dwarves thought of Rivendell, you were having a magnificent time. You were currently enjoying a light elvish dinner while squeezed in between Kili and Bofur.

"Flirting with the she-elf are we, Kili?" you asked after you saw him wink at the one playing the harp.

"Maybe I was and maybe I wasn't," he said with a smile. "Are you jealous?"

"Only in your dreams."

He laughed and elbowed you playfully in the ribs. Then he leaned close to you and whispered, "I think that Elf over there has a thing for you." When you responded with nothing but a confused expression, he motioned his head towards the dark-haired elf standing beside Lord Elrond.

He was the one who had first greeted all of you when you arrived in Rivendell. At least, you thought he was. You hadn't really been paying that much attention to be honest. Whoever he was, Kili was right about him staring, because now he was looking anywhere but at you and had a slight blush on his cheeks.

You studied him out of curiosity and it didn't take you long to notice that he was an uptight sort of fellow. When the dwarves had started throwing food, the look on his face had been one of pure horror. Honestly, you thought he looked quite amusing that way, and rather cute.

After dinner, you decided to take a walk so that you could explore your new surroundings. Eventually you found yourself standing on a balcony and looking out at the scenery below. The beauty of it was overwhelming. You leaned over the railing a bit so that you could get a better view, and you were startled when someone grabbed you from behind.

You jumped back so quickly that you knocked down the person behind you. When you turned around to give them what for, you saw that it was the same dark-haired elf from dinner.

"I did not intend to frighten you, my lady. But it is quite dangerous to lean so far over the railing."

It was obvious that he was as sweet and innocent as a newborn puppy, so you felt really bad about knocking him down, even if it was an accident.

You offered your hand to him and helped him up off the ground. "I'm sorry I pushed you down. I was just startled."

He gave you a shy smile and said "No harm done."

The two of you stood in silence for a few moments before he continued. "I could show you around, if you would like?"

"It would be my pleasure," you said, wrapping one of your arms around his. Even though he was the one who was supposed to be giving the tour, you were the one who did almost all of the talking. You chatted incessantly about yourself, your time with the company, and everything else that came to mind. He just smiled and happily nodded. It was very late into the evening when he finally escorted you back to your room.

"Thank you, Lindir. I had a wonderful time."

"So did I, my lady."

As you looked at him, you wondered how it had taken you so long to notice how beautiful he was. On an impulse, you stood on your tip toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight," you said before disappearing into your room.

Early the next morning, you were awoken by someone banging loudly on the door.

"Hold on. I'm coming." You opened the door to reveal Kili.

"It's time for us to leave. Get ready as quick as you can and meet us by the fountain." Then he left you alone to get dressed. As you changed clothes and gathered your belongings, you couldn't help but think of Lindir. He was so kind, and you hated to leave without getting to know him better. But your place was with the company.

You started looking through the drawers of the small desk that was in your room until you found writing materials. Then you scribbled out a quick note, grabbed your bag, and headed out the door.

As Rivendell grew farther and farther away, you turned around and gave it one last look before it fell out of view. You smiled at the thought that perhaps Lindir was reading your note at that very moment, and you hoped that he'd look forward to the return trip that it promised.

Standing there, you knew it would be months before you'd be able to return to him and that beautiful valley. But you were reassured by the thought that, even though it seemed like an eternity to you, it would go by quickly for him. After all, what's a few months or even a year in the life of an elf?

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