Imagine Thranduil having to save young Legolas like Mufasa saved Simba.

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"Where are we going, Legolas?" Tauriel asked as her best friend boosted her up onto his horse.

"You'll see," he replied as he pulled himself up into the saddle in front of her.

"Aren't you not allowed to go riding without an escort?" she asked the young prince.

"What Ada doesn't know won't hurt him," Legolas replied with a smile. Then he urged the horse onward.

Tauriel began to get a bit nervous as they reached the edge of the forest.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I've never left the forest alone before."

"You aren't alone. I'm here with you."

"I'm not sure that counts."

"Oh stop being such a baby, Tauriel. This is going to be fun."

Tauriel huffed behind him, but didn't reply. Legolas' idea of fun didn't usually coincide with her own, and she often wondered if he even knew what the word meant. They rode in silence over flat lands covered in green grass that eventually turned into rocky, barren terrain.

Finally, Legolas stopped his horse and hopped down onto the ground below.

"So we came all that way to see some boring old rocks?" Tauriel asked as she followed him off the horse.

"No, we didn't come to see some boring old rocks. Now shush and follow me."

The two small elves' light steps were silent even in the utter quiet that surrounded them.

"That's what we came to see," Legolas whispered as he peeked around one of the rocky formations. Tauriel popped her head around the corner and gasped. "Legolas we can't be here!"

"Well, we're already here aren't we?" he said peering up at the tower that lay before them. "Let's check it out."

"And die?" Tauriel asked. "No, thanks. Let's go home."

"This place has been abandoned for years. One little look inside won't hurt, unless you're scared?"

"I am not scared! Fine, but make it quick."

They crept towards the tower that seemed to stare down at them ominously the closer they got to it. About halfway to it, Legolas wanted to turn around and call it quits, but he didn't want to admit that in front of Tauriel so they kept going.

The door to the tower was old and rusted, and made a great deal of noise when they pulled it open. As they stepped in, the horrid smell of the place hit both of them in the face. It was dark, damp, and quite terrifying inside. Legolas almost jumped out of his skin from fright when Tauriel's trembling hand grabbed his for support.

"Look at this," Legolas said, pulling Tauriel with him to the other side of the room. He picked up a rusty old sword with a broken blade.

"It looks like an old Orc sword," Tauriel said, taking it from him to get a better look. Squinting his eyes, Legolas noticed a flight of stairs a few feet away from where they were now standing.

"Should we go up?"

"We've come this far," Tauriel replied, shrugging her shoulders. She was still frightened, but her curiosity was getting the better of her.

Hand in hand, they walked up the narrow, winding staircase. They had to watch their step because the floor was littered with broken weapons, pieces of clothing, and bones. At the top of the stairs, they entered a little room that was just as unpleasant as the one downstairs. Tauriel let go of Legolas' hand and moved to the window to look out. Legolas began inspecting all of the items on the floor until he found something that shouldn't be there. There was a small pile of ashes in the center of the room, and they were still slightly warm to the touch.

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