Phone Calls

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Note- Thank you guys so much for 500k+ reads. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as I should, but thank you for your love and support.


Steve carried out a set of pajamas, blankets, and food for the woman who was currently staying in the Barton's barn. Tony thought it was a bad idea to have him take those things out since Clara had tried to kill him. However, they both knew that it might help Clara if she saw that Steve wasn't mad at her and that she didn't really hurt him. So Tony gave up and let the golden boy take Clara the things that she needed. Steve carefully nudged the barn door open and stepped inside.

"Go away, Rogers." Clara told him softly. Her back was to him, only wearing a neon pink sports bra. Clara's suit was around her hips and Steve saw every single little scar that covered her back. He shut his eyes for a moment and sighed, continuing to walk over to her until he was only a few feet away.

"Clint's wife made dinner and I though you'd might enjoy some food. I also have some spare clothes from the Quinn Jet for you and some blankets if you're actually going to stay in here." Steve says, setting the blankets and clothes down on the old couch. The food gets set on Clint's work table.

"Thank you." She responds, getting off of the stool she was sitting on. Clara pulls off of her suit, not caring about changing in front of Steve, because he's seen all of her. She pulls on the oversized t-shirt and leggings, happily taking the plate of food and sitting down. Steve sits down next to her, the woman he still loves no matter how she feels about him.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, his voice much softer. Clara recognizes it as the voice he only used around her because it's so much sweeter and kinder. It's the voice that used to make her feel weak in the knees and make butterflies fly around her stomach. Now it just makes her feel confused. She looked down at the plate of food.

"Physically, I'm sore. Emotionally, not great." Clara says lightly before she starts to eat. Her eyes look at the man beside her as she tells him, "You don't have to stay you know. You can go. I'm sure there's a real party going on."

"No I want to make sure you're okay. Maximoff messed with all of our minds-" Steve starts, but Clara chuckles darkly. She sets the plate of food aside, running a hand through her hair. Steve noticed that her hair had grown a lot more and it was getting lighter again. She almost looked like she did when they first met.

"You, Tasha, and Thor got bad dreams. I got a bad dream and She took over. If Clint wouldn't have stopped me, you'd be dead." Clara's tone is extremely serious and she won't look at him. It makes Steve's heart break, but he still feels like he needs to make her feel better.

"Clara, I'm okay. I know you're feeling guilty, but I know that wasn't you. It's okay." He tells her softly and she turns her head to look at him. Those blue eyes were filled with so much hurt and Steve knew he was blamed for most of  it.

"It doesn't matter that it might not be me-me, it's still me. She's still a part of me and I can't change it. I hate what I did, do you understand that? It doesn't matter what you do to me, I'm still going to feel like shit for hurting you. If I would've killed you-I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Clara tells him, quickly blinking away tears that wanted to fall. She didn't know how to feel about him. Part of her wanted to kiss him and have him hold her, the other part of Clara wanted to scream and beat the shit out of him for hurting her.

"I'm sorry. I know...I know that I can't say that enough but I am." Steve tells her softly and Clara looks away. Tears roll freely down her cheeks and she doesn't bother wiping them away. His hand carefully reaches out and wipes them away. Clara stills, but lets him do it anyway. He moves and wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly. She suddenly starts crying harder, sobbing into his shirt.

The Captain and Stark's Sister (Avengers/Captain America Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora