Mind Games

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"Stark is...He's a sickness!" Ultron shouts, his back to the Avengers. Clara walked beside Thor and Steve, her navy blue suit covered hips swaying ever so slightly as she walked. Her face was already healed and her other injuries were practically gone as well. That didn't stop Steve from worrying about her.

"Aw junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Tony says through the suit as he lands in front of her. The blonde's eyes landed on the Maximoff Twins who looked as threatening as two infants.

"If I have to." Ultron responds, really trying to be menacing as they walk closer.

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor announces, his grip tightening on Mjolnir. Frost starts to cover the floor under Clara, slowly spreading. Steve can see out of the corner of his eye that her eyes were glowing.

"Clearly, you've never made an omelette." Ultron quips, making Clara roll her eyes. She just wants to get the fight out of the way so she can go home and maybe go on vacation for a few months. Bora Bora seemed nice.

"He beat me by one second." Tony mutters and Clara once more rolls her eyes. Gods, after this was all done, she was going to kick his ass and Bruce's ass. Fucking idiots. Asskicking and then vacation.

"Yes, he's funny, Mr Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" The male twin, Pietro, says in a thick vaguely European accent, nodding his head towards the old Stark weapons that were below them. Clara pressed her lips together firmly, her eyes glancing at them.

"We can't help who stockpiles our old weapons." Clara speaks up, moving to stand in front of Thor. Pietro smirks and it makes Clara roll her eyes for the third time in that moment. She didn't not want to deal with this fucking asshole flirting with her.

"You two can still walk away from this." Steve tells them, not exactly enjoying the way Pietro is looking at Clara.

"Oh we will." Wanda responds, giving him a slightly puppy dog frown. Clara realizes in that moment that she wouldn't mind Ice coming out only if that meant that Wanda Maximoff's stupid face was splattered all over the ground.

"I know you suffered-" Steve starts his little speech, but it's quickly cut off by Ultron clearing his throat.

"Captain America. God's righteous man who fell in love with a murderous whore. Pretending you could live without a war and that you can actually have some normal life. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-" Ultron responds. His words make Steve's eyes land on Clara, whose body stiffens with the title that Ultron gives her. Clara could feel Ice scratching at her brain, begging to be let out so she can take care of Ultron.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."  Thor suddenly interrupts, trying to change the subject so his dear friend isn't hurt anymore by the robot in front of them. Clara's been through much worse than Ultron's stupid insults

"I think you're confusing "peace" with "quiet"." Ultron retorts as he takes another step forward.  The frost growing to spread on the metal, making its presence known.

"And you're obviously confusing peace with murder. It's weird how those get mixed up." Clara's voice chills everyone with how clear and sharp it is. Wanda would be lying if she said didn't find Clara Stark terrifying. Somehow, it was possible for Ultron to smirk.

"You always get them mixed up. All of you heroes get them mixed up." He snaps at her, but Clara doesn't cower.

"Uh huh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony asks, his eyes glancing at his sister for a moment before returning to look at Ultron.

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron tells him before using some sort of weapon to pull Tony forward as three Ultron bots land in front of the three other Avengers. Within seconds, ice covered the robot in front of Clara and Steve hit it with his shield, shattering it. She dodged the bits of metal that Wanda Maximoff threw at her. A few of the bits slice at Clara's skin, drawing blood. The youngest Stark hisses in pain, really wanting to beat the shit of that damn bitch.

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