Winter Showcase A team

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Vanessa Pov

I really can't believe he just did that. What a jerk! First he totally ignores me for weeks then bails on our rehearsal

Alya- Where did he go?

Bianca- Is he coming back?

Vanessa- I wouldn't hold your breath

2 hours later

Beckett POV

Don't look at me like that I did what I had to do I don't want Vanessa to get hurt she deserves so much and I'm not going to be the one to ruin her life with all of my issues. I went outside to a grassy area near the quad, I found a big sycamore tree that I decided to sit under. It had a perfect view of the clouds so I just sat and thought and kept checking the time and waiting until zi could finally exit the school area without getting in major trouble.

Vanessa Pov

It's been about two hours since beckett bolted from practice and i'm getting more ticked as each minute goes by when he doesn't come back though I should've expeted this from the beginning. What's his problem anyway?

Bianca-Ok I'm not waiting for him, Vanessa you need to go find him

Vanessa- Why me?

Alya- Because your the only one he actually know

Vanessa- Just give me like thirty more minutes please? I bet he will be back soon!

Yeah right.

Alya- Fine but I'm setting a timer for thirty minutes and ones that time is up you need to go find him Vanessa, we have a big grade riding on this project and we don't need our only male dancer to bail.

Vanessa- Ok fine.

15 min later

Alya- So what's the deal with you and beckett anyways

Vanessa- Oh I don't really know how to expl....

Alya- I get it you guys used to be a thing.

Vanessa- What no! no thing

Alya-I get it I've had to work with my ex too

Vanessa- I can't even call him a ex anyway, we were never really together but we just connected you know? Even when I was injured and doubting myself he would still be there for me.

Alya- So what happend that changed all of that?

Vanessa- We were hanging out this one day and when i was about to leave he kissed my cheek and then he looked into my eyes and we just looked at eachother for a solid five minutes then he started leaning in to kiss me and right as he was about too his phone rang and the next day when I tried to talk to him he just walked the other way and he's been ignoring me ever since.

Alya- What a jerk! I think you should still talk to him though

Vanessa- I would rather not and at least I have 15 minutes left before I have to go find him.

Alya- Vanessa you've been talking for the past 15 minutes, it's time to go see him

Vanessa- What No! That's NOT fair

Alya- You promised, now go

Well Great...........................

Thank you guys for your continued support on my story! If you like this story feel free to share with some other backstage fanatics or anyone else you think might enjoy this book! Comment some recommendations of ships or storylines I should include. One or two more A team chapters the. We're switching over to cover whatever is going on with Carly🤣

See you all soon!


Beckett and Vanessa: How it should've goneWhere stories live. Discover now