Winter Showcase A team pt.2

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Vanessa Pov

You can do this Vanessa, just walk up and tell him that he needs to step up his game if he wants to get a good grade on the assignment. That's funny, if you knew beckett even a little bit that would totally not persuade him into coming back to the project. I don't exactly know where he is but before he started ignoring me he showed me some of the places around campus that he goes to when he wants to be alone, but there's loads of them and some are pretty far from each other which will mean I get to spend even more time stressing about Beckett. Perfect.

15 min later........

As I walk through the courtyard I'm half silently hoping he will be there because this is the seventh place I've check but I also kinda hope he's not here so I can delay talking to him for some for time. The bright sun blinded my eyes as I walk over to the sycamore tree where me and Beckett had our moment. I could hardly see since the sun was literally in my eyes but I still could make out a blond head sitting against the base of the tree. It has to be beckett, great this is going to be so fun. I stop for a minute hoping he doesn't hear me, I just need like five minutes or forever to just breathe and get ready for the confrontation that I will be bestowing upon the great and powerful Beckett, what a laugh I was thinking about what a jerk he had been until a sound interrupted me?

Beckett- Vanessa?

I almost jumped, I was totally in my head

Vanessa- Ohhhhh heyyyy beckett.

Wow that was an awkward way to start off this

Beckett- What are you doing here?

Vanessa- Beckett we need to talk.

Beckett- Please not now

Vanessa- No! You've ignored me for the past how many weeks? It's time for you to shut up and just listen to me. I don't care if you don't like me and I don't care if you can't dance with me because of it but we're at keaton and we should act like professionals and in the professional world there's going to be times when feelings get felt but we have to let that fuel our performance.

He stood up and walked right over to me, we were so close together he was like inches away from my face and I felt my heart racing

Beckett- I haven't been ignoring you because I don't like you it's because I like you too much

Vanessa- I've been worrying for weeks and now you drop this on me! How could you be any more selfish

Beckett- Listen Vanessa I'm sorry

Vanessa- I don't need a apology I need a dancer

Beckett- Then a dancer you get come on lets go back to practice

I can't believe that worked!

Beckett- We cool?

Vanessa- Of course we're cool why wouldn't we be cool?

We're not cool....................................................

Beckett and Vanessa: How it should've goneWhere stories live. Discover now