Authors Note

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Hey guys! I'm so so so so so so so so sorry about not updating on schedule. I thought that I could finally get down to a good posting routine but a mix of being busy and having writers block has caused me to refrain from doing that. I have considered shutting down this story but I don't want to be one of those people that I personally hate who quits just as things start to get interesting. So that being said, I'm gonna work super hard to get a chapter to you in the near future. Maybe today,  maybe next week but I don't want to make any more promises I can't keep. All I know is that I appreciate you guys so much for sticking with me and I'm gonna try to do a lot better.

Since we left off with some drama between Beckett and Vanessa I decided it was the perfect time to switch gears to give you more of the Carly and Miles action you've been asking for. So keep your eye out for the next chapter!

Thanks again for being awesome,


Beckett and Vanessa: How it should've goneWhere stories live. Discover now