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"Nice to meet you Carly, I'm Miles"

Carly Pov

Miles! Such a amazing name for a amazing person wait, Carly you can't come on to strong or he'll think your a crazy creep. Just play it cool.

C- Oh, cool! well it was nice to meet you Miles, maybe I'll see you around sometime.

M- Yeah, see ya.

Omg I've got to go find V!

Vanessa Pov

As I was walking out of the audition my head was spinning! I can't believe I made it into the primas and the fact that Beckett got in too doesn't hurt. I felt a tap on the shoulder which awoke me from my daydream. I turned around and there he was. I froze up, not knowing what to say.

V- Hey Beckett, congrats on getting into the primas.

B- You to Vanessa! Hey, uh are you free now?

V- Uh yeah, I don't have class for another hour.

B- Cool so do you want to maybe go get a coffee or something?


V- Yeah sure! let's go

While Beckett and I were walking to the coffee place we were silent. It was half nice and half nerve-wracking because I didn't know what to do. I've had a boyfriend before. Well kind-of do you count 4th grade "romance"? I don't know how to act around a guy I like.

The whole coffee "date" went by in a blur, we talked a lot actually. He was so sweet but whenever he was talking I just couldn't pay attention I was to focused on how cute his smile was when he would laugh and the way his lips turned upwards when he smiled at me and I just got nervous all over again.

When we got back to the school we said our goodbyes and he gave me a hug. OMG I can't believe it I went in search to find C.

Out of view

C&V- I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!.........................YOU FIRST.

V- Ok I'll go first, so after the audition Beckett asked me to coffee!

C- Oh my god!

V- I was really nervous at first but he was so sweet and I had a great time and guess what. At the end when we were back at the school he hugged me! I know it wasn't much but it's something.

C- That's amazing V ok my turn, so I met this guy.


C- Ok so his name is Miles and he's so cute.

V- OOOOOOO I'm so excited for you C.

C- Thanks I really hope I get to see him again.

Vanessa Pov

Oh you will carly.

415 Words

Ps. I started a new writing system where If I don't write at least three chapters a week I have to make it up the next week but I will do my best to have about five out this week so thank you all for your patience.

Beckett and Vanessa: How it should've goneWhere stories live. Discover now