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Vanessa POV

Today is the first day of duet rehearsal and I'm dreading it. I'm going to have to deal with Beckett until Friday afternoon and if we get the duet we're going to have to work together until may. I don't think I could do that. I would totally screw up the performance so I will never have to see him again but I really need this duet. I need the most exposure possible if I want to have a chance of getting scouted for Julliard. It's always been my dream and they only accept two students every year. I get that I'm only a sophomore but no one from Keaton has ever gotten picked without being scouted sophomore or junior year. It's so competitive and I know that I will do anything to get in. Even if that means dealing with Beckett for far much longer than I should. I'm already in the dance room because for some reason I don't want to run into him so we have to walk in together. I don't want him flashing one of his signature Beckett "oh I'm just so damn charming" smile as he opens the door for me. I refuse to let myself fall under his spell again. I know where those feelings end up. They end up with me heartbroken refusing to leave my bed and crying for a solid week straight. I assure you, I won't let Beckett Bradstreet make me cry ever again. Speak of the devil-

"hey v" he said. "Beckett you know only my friends call me v". "ouch", he said as he pretended to clutch his chest "you hurt me v". I've had it "I already said you couldn't call me V so lets just please start rehearsing so we can get out of here sometime today." 

He silently complies. Good. If I have to hear another word out of him today I swear I'm going to jump out of this window. I hope he understands that I'm taking the lead here. I mean it makes the most sense. I choreographed Mindy to a CAMDA's victory. And this way I can dictate the amount of time me and Beckett are dancing close together. Which will be minimal.

"You do understand this is a duet right?" he questioned. "That means we have to dance together if you didn't know. A good duet has partner work and if you think we're winning with this than you've lost your mind."

I can't stand him

"Well I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. I am the choreographer after all." "Well maybe its best if you hand those reigns over to me."

Excuse me?!?!?

"I'm sorry what? I mean I should be choreographing because I'm obviously better at it." "is that what you think?" he exclaimed. He was almost laughing at my statement. Not liking him is going so easy right now.

"Fine what do you think we should do for the duet?" Of course I'm not going to take his criticism. I just think it's easier to pretend I'm interested ,completely reject the idea ,than move on without so much as a thought. He already has experience with that doesn't he?

"Well" he said, "I'm not saying you're choreography was bad because it wasn't. You are so good at it and you're the most talented person I've ever met." There it is. Come on Vanessa you have to be strong don't give him what he wants. "But like I said before the judges want to see a connection and we have a really good one but they won't be able to see it when we're dancing 5 feet apart"

Can he please stop looking at me like that. Seriously I won't be able to follow my rules if he keeps looking at me like that. I guess what he is saying makes sense. I want to have the best dance possible if we want to win and the only way I can do that is to use all of the feelings I have against him and push them aside. He's the only guy who can get me through this number.

"I don't really think we have that much of a connection but I guess we can incorporate some more of your ideas." god why did that come out so awkward.

"Just face it Morita. We have chemistry"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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