Winter Showcase B Team- "Two Different Worlds"

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Carly POV

Ok so we just got our assignments for the winter showcase and they split V and I up! That is not okay. I would rather die than have to deal with the annoying people here without V. She keeps me from killing others. I mean I wouldn't really kill them but you totally know what I mean. the plus side and ONLY plus side to this assignment is that Miles ended up in my group too. I see him when we're walking the halls and we say a quick hello but we never really crossed paths like the first and only time we ever really talked when we bumped into each other. Ok so to be fair we do have lunch together but we've never hung out there because he's usually with his friends from the music section of the school and I'm usually with my dance friends. I never even realized how cliquey our school is. I've rarely seen people from different groups interact. It's not looked down upon but I think it's just a thing that had never happened. Which meant that without this showcase there was a very small chance that I would ever speak to him again. So I would like to formally announce that I'm more than glad that this happened. Even if I still miss V.

Miles POV

They just announced that we will be doing a winter showcase with different groups from our school. And lucky for me none of my friends are in my group. None!. You guessed it Jax, Alya, amd Bianca are all in A team leaving me to wallow alone in sadness. I've met two of the people in our group. Carly and Julie. Carly seems really nice and I can admit that I have often found myself daydreaming about her during math class. Which is partially the reason why I'm failing but whatever. Julie's a different story. We went out last year and things did not end well. Long story short. She cheated on me with Matteo. Wow. Anyways I hope this will be a good time to get to know Carly a little more. I think this will be a interesting experience.

Out of View

Julie- Hi everyone. My name is Julie and I have been appointed to run and oversee this showcase. Principal Durani has given us the story of "Little Red Riding Hood"!

Miles POV

She's running this thing and we have to do some annoying story about a wolf. This is so exciting. Not.

Carly POV

Miles and I haven't had a chance to talk all day! Julie has got us doing some weird warmups and friendship things. I don't know so don't ask. Miles seems kind off hostile towards Julie I wonder if somethings up. Besides the point, "Red Riding Hood" seriously! I got a text from Vanessa saying they're doing the Tin Soldier and the Paper Ballerina which is a gorgeous romantic peice and we get a random story about a wolf that's so lame.

Julie- Ok everybody! Thanks for showing me what you can do I'll cast the show next time we see each other.

Miles and Carly POV

She's casting the show too! Who does she think she is? This is going to be a incredibly long three weeks. Wish me luck.

Word Count-543 *Sorry for a short chapter I needed to get one out pretty quick.

See you soon!,


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