Chapter 15 - The Party

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

All of them demons were indoors having their Blood moon party. You were sitting near the bar, Husk asks " Are you gonna order or what?." You sighed " I'm not really much of a drinker." Husk walks away " Whatever you dingbat." An owl demon sits next to you and smirks " Hey baby! You come here often?." You lean away from him " I'm not interested in perverts." The owl demon chuckles " Are you sure?." He steals your hat and puts it on him " I could take to dinner sometime." The owl demon noticed the horns on your head, he said " Wait a second. Are you a...." A girly voice yelled " Travis!." You quickly grab your hat from him and placed it back on you. The female owl demon said " Where the heck were you?."  She grabs him by the ear and drags him away " I am sick of you flirting with other demons." Travis said to you " I'll call you sweetheart." Angel walks with a cup of wine " You okay Y/N?." He had a black top hat on his head. You grunted " Some guy wanted me to sleep with him." Angel takes a sip " What's the name?." You tried to remember " I think it was....Travis?." Angel spits wine at you, you asked " What was that for?." Angel complains " That guy is going to pay." Husk throws a towel at your face. You said " Thanks a lot Husk." Husk just drank a bottle, Angel smirks " Oh Husk! Would you be a dear and hand me some liquor?." Husk burps " First of all shut up." Angel chuckles " You're cute when you're drunk." You wipe the wine off your dress with the towel. Husk gives him a cup of wine. Angel asks " Want some Y/N?." You said " Oh no thanks! I'm fine." Angel shrugs " Suit yourself babe." 

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