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Hey! So there's a far better version of this book on my profile, I Love You rebooted, I'd suggest you go there for an actually good story :)
- Aster

It was a dark night. You shake uncontrollably as the bitter winds blow past you, biting your ears. Everything is turning black, and you begin to lose feeling in your entire body. The rain starts, every drop feeling like a needle on your back. Just a bit further. Just go a bit further! You think to yourself, but it's no use. You black out. Your legs shake and give way under your body and you crash to the floor.

You wake up. You are in a bed, however you recognise nothing. From what you assume is downstairs, you hear off-key singing and laughter, alongside the sounds of food cooking. You sit up the bed, and recall last night's events. You passed out, and now you are here. You get out of bed and quietly head for the door of the room. You are in a hall way, with stairs at the end. You head down the stairs. The singing becomes louder behind one door, you open it and walk in. There is a tall, muscular man with red hair cooking, with a girl next to him. You realise they are the ones singing. There is also a young lady sat on the table, muttering to herself and doodling on a piece of paper. She has long rainbow hair and large brown eyes. She looks up at you. " Oh, you're awake! Did you have a nice sleep?"
"Sorry, what?" You say.
"Oh, sorry. I'm Paige, lovely to meet you. Harry found you last night in the rain. How are you feeling?"
"Um, I'm fine. Thanks."
" This is Steve, cooking, and that's Kat, next to him." You say hello to eachother. Paige grabs your hand and takes you into another room, a living room. "Shrig." She says to a smart looking guy on a couch. "What, Paige?" "This is y/n. Harry found her last night."
"Good morning, miss. I'm Shrignold.
"Where's Colin and Tony? I thought they'd be in here."
" I think Tones went to Asda to get cereal or something. Colin's still in bed."
"Mmmkay. See you, lover boy."
"Bye love."
You hear the front door open, and a handsome young man comes in. "Tony!" Paige says and runs over to him. "Hello!" He says. " ah, are you the girl Harry found last night?"
"Yes." You answer. (I mean, who else would you be??)
"I'm Tony, pleasure to meet you." He ruffles Paige's multi-coloured hair. She seats his hand away, but she's smiling.
A boy with thick glasses comes down. "Colin, you finally join us." Paige says. He says nothing, except, "who the freak is that?"
"Oh, it's y/n. Sorry, I forgot nobody told you. Harry found her last night."
He carries on walking. "Ignore him, he has no social life and doesn't know how to interact with people." You chuckle to yourself a little. A man comes out of a room with a little boy. "Ah! Harry! There you are!" "Hello, Notes." He says in a monotone, slightly bored voice. "Is that the hot girl you were on about?" Asks the little boy. "Manny, shut up." He says, his cheeks burning red. You laugh hard. "If you didn't catch on already, I found you in the rain." Says Harry. "Well, thank you, and thanks for looking after me." "Oh, no problem." Paige says. She pulls you into a tight hug. You hug her back. She suddenly stops and says, "we forgot about Robin!" A guy with green hair comes out and says, "who forgot about me?"
Like everyone else, Paige introduces you both.

Maybe this is start of something special.

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