Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning feeling accomplished. I was also kind of upset, cause my phone was ringing and I looked at the caller I.D. to see August calling.

"Yes Mr. Alsina?" I said.

"What 'chu doin' bro?" He said. No this nigga didn't just call me his 'bro'..the disrespect is real.

"Nigga do I look like a male to you?" I said.

"Shit 'chu sound like one and you got mornin' breath." He said. I guess my voice is kind of deep in the morning, but not that deep. August just like getting on my nerves.

"Shutup, you can't even smell it. Did you call me just to talk shit?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Nah baybeh, I called ta' tell you I'm coming ova in 15 minutes." He said.

"How you know I want you over here?" I asked.

"Girl do I look like I give a fuck if you want me dere or not?" He said.

"Don't get smart. But alright, I'm about to put on some clothes. And bring some food." I said, hanging up before he said something else smart.

I jumped out of bed, completely naked. Last night after my little visit with Jay, I came home and took a scorching hot bath and fell asleep completly naked. Since it was just August coming over, I slipped a oversized t-shirt over my head and some panties, not bothering to put on a bra. I put my wild hair up in a bun on top of my head. Then the doorbell rung.

I opened it to not see only August, but Trey Songz. I kept my cool though..even though Trey will forever be bae. I ran upstairs, realizing that I barely had on clothes.

When I got up stairs, I put on a bra, a fitted white t-shirt, some adidas skinny sweat pants, and my black and white adidas. I went back downstairs to see them niggas on MY couch, watching MY tv, eating MY oreos. Oh hell naaaahhh.

"What yall niggas think yall doing? Get yall fucking feet off this expensive ass table." I said, snatching my oreos out of August hand. They looked at me like I was crazy. "And why you ain't tell me you was bringing a friend?" I said, thumping August head.

"I tried to, but ya' rude ass hung up on a nigga befo' I could. Aye Trey, dis my nigga Ka-"

"Nigga I told you I am a FEMALE." I said. I think he just trying to mentally turn me into a nigga so he can avoid the urge to have sex with me. He sighed and started his sentence over.

"Dis my friend Karmen. Karmen dis Trey, da' one you told me ta' get 'chu a hookup wit." August said. I could feel my cheeks turning red when he said that last part. Trey just chuckled and got up to give me a hug. I gladly returned it.

"Nice ta' meet you mama." He said. I swear my panties got moist just from hearing his voice.

"You to. August did you bring food?" I asked.

"Yes I brought food fat ass. Its in da kitchen." He replied.

"Fat in all the right places." I said, turning on my heel and heading to the kitchen.

"You got that right." Trey mumbled. I guess I wasn't supposed to hear that.

I went in the kitchen to see 2 bags of checkers and he even got my favorite strawberry milkshake! I said a silent thankyou to the lord before looking in the first bag. I pulled out a burger and a medium fries. I sat at the table and aint waist no time digging in while scrolling through instagram. I seen a couple ugly faces that made me want to delete my whole instagram. Then August and Trey walked in the kitchen.

"Damn girl, was you hungry or nah?" August asked.

"Shutup. I just woke up not to long ago, and you know I wake up hungry." I said, eating the last bite of my burger.

"Its 3:00 in the afternoon, what you do last night?" Trey questioned. I felt butterflies in my stomach, from him actually talking to me.

"Tending to my buisness." I said. Nobody need to know what happened last night, not even Lauren. That was just something I need to keep to myself.

"Yo you got a smart ass mouth. I like my women feisty though." He said, winking at me. I just giggled and turned my attention to August who had a unreadable expression on his face.

"So wassup, why you come over here?" I asked August.

"Damn, you really don't want me hea' huh?" He said.

"No it ain't that, its just you aint been coming around lately." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Ever since we had the 'friendship but no sex' rule, he stopped coming around as much as he used to. He really got me thinking I was just a bootycall.

"I been busy lil ma. So while I was free today, I wanted to come chill wit y-" He started, but his phone rung. He held up his finger in the 'hold on' way and walked out the room. So now it was just me and Trey Songz.

"How old are you ma?" He asked.

"" I asked.

"I'm 28, you jail bait." He said, chuckling.

"Nigga please, I'm grown as hell." I said.

"I guess you right." He smirking.

"Do me a favor." I said.

"Wassup?" He said. I pulled out my phone and gave it to him.

"Take my picture." I said. He looked at me and shook his head laughing. I smiled and he took my picture for me.

"Thankyou." I said, taking my phone back and looking at the picture.

"Damn, you ain't wanna take a picture with me?" He asked, fakng hurt.

"Did you wanna take one?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Well if you insist." He said, flipping his imaginary hair. I laughed and went back to the camera of my iPhone 6 and put it on 'Selfie' mode. We both smiled in one, them made funny faces in the other ones.

"I like em." I said, looking at the pictures.

"Its only right you post em to the gram. And at me so these niggas know wassup." He said, smirking.

"How they supposed to know wassup if I dont even know wassup?" I asked.

"Well I'll tell you wassup then ma. You gone be mine in a few, so just sit back and enjoy the ride." He said, pulling me to his lap. I just giggled and went made a collage out of the photos. After I was satisfied with the way it looked, I put a caption that said:

@KashBaby: With This Goofy Ass Nigga ❤ @TreySongz

His phone buzzed, letting him know he had a instagram notification.

"Here, put ya number in my phone so I can hit ya up sometimes." He said. I put his phone and saved my number as Kash with a heart beside it.

Then August walked back in the kitchen, looking surprised to see me sitting on Trey lap.

"Aye Trey you ready ta' head out?" He said with anger in his voice that he was trying to hide.

"Yeah." He said, tapping my thigh. I stood up and hugged them both, but August acted like he ain't wanna hug me back so fuck him. He said he ain't wanna be with me, so he can go head somewhere with that jealous shit.

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