Chapter 12

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I woke up to a red eyed August, standing over me. I know he been crying cause his eyes only red when he either high or crying. But I could see the dry tear stains on his face.

"August whats wrong?" I managed to say. My throat was hurting, like I haven't had water in a week.

"Oh shit. Aye I need a doctor in hea', she up!" August yelled, running out the room. His over dramatic ass need to chill, I was only out for a few hours. A doctor came in the room and checked my blood pressure, and stuck me with like 100 different needles.

"Whats happened?" I asked. My voice wasnt fully clear, but im sure my doctor understood what I was saying.

"You got in a car accident a week ago dear. Its a miracle how you survived, but you was in a coma for a week." She said.

"Oh..can I get some water?" I asked. She nodded her head and walked out the room.

Tears started pouring from my eyes when I remembered the horrible thing that went down at Jay house. He hurt me and caused me to almost die. Its only right I return the favor.

A few seconds later, August walked in with a look of sorrow on his face.

"I'm so damn sorry baybeh." He said, pulling up a chair and laying on my stomach.

"August please leave. Where Lauren and James at?"I asked.

"I'm not leaving and I called dem, dey on dey way up hea'." He said.

"Get the fuck out, I don't even wanna be in the same room as your sorry ass." I said through tears. I was releasing tears from the pain both August and Jay caused me.

"I'm sorry Karmen, fa'give me mama." He pleaded.

"I can't August. He hurt me and you wasnt there! You said you would never leave me but you did. You wasnt there for me August, you wasnt there.." I cried. He hurt me way more than I realized.

"Who hurt'chu mama? Tell me who hurt'chu." August said, trying to hold back his own tears.

"It dont matter. You wasn't there for me then, so I don't need you there for me now. I want you to leave. Forget about me if you havent already." I said, turning away from him.

"Baybeh please just accept my apology. I'll leave if ya' just tell me you fa'give me." He said.

I thought hard about it. I can't be mad at him for something Jay did to me, but I can be mad at him for leaving me when he promised to never leave me again. So I made up my mind.

"I forgive you, but I don't want shit to do with you. I want you out of my life and I never wanna see you again. As far as im concerned, you dead to me." I said. I knew my words was hurting him, but of well. I want him to hurt just as bad as he hurt me.

"Okay I'm leaving. But ca' you please tell me who hurt ya'?" He asked. I could hear the pain clear in his voice but I honestly didn't care.

"Thats none of your buisness." I said. I heard him sigh and leave. I'm officialy done with his sorry ass.

The door opened and closed again, I though it was August until I turned around.

"Booga bear!" Lauren said, running to me. I could tell she missed me. I tried to hug her back, but my body was way to sore.

"Hey gorgeous." I said, smiling at her. I love my bestfriend.

"I'm glad to see your ceiling fan face ass up and smiling." James said. I laughed at him, he always talking shit.

"Shut ya waffle cone head ass up." I said, returning the hug he gave me.

"Where August?" James asked.

"He left." I said in a dry tone.

"Baby can you go get me something out the vending machine?" Lauren said to James.

"What you want?" He asked her.

"I dont know, something nigga." Lauren said. James walked out, mumbling under his breath.

"What happened?" She questioned me.

"I told him to leave and that he was dead to me. I kind of regret saying the last part, but oh well..he deserved it." I said.

"I think yall should talk it out. You remember what happened the night of the accident?" She asked. I filled her in on the whole James incident and by the end of the story, we was both in tears. Like literally bawling our eyes out.

"Damn, what I miss?" James said, coming back in the room with a half eaten honey bun.

"Nothing." I said, before Lauren could respond. I know she eventually gone tell him, but not right now. We both stopped crying and wiped our tears, while James stood there awkwardly.

"I told him the news." Lauren said, with a smile.

"His reaction?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. We was talking about this nigga like he wasnt standing in the room.

"He didnt believe me at first, but when he realized I wasn't playing he was exited as hell." She said.

"Awwwwh, I hope you had your first check up!" I said

"Yes, I actually went yesterday. I'm 3 months and I know the gender." She said with a kool-aid smile.

"Well, what you having?" I asked.

"A boy, I told her ass but she just knew we was having a girl." James said. I could tell he was exited about having a son.

"Awh I'm happy for yall." I said. When James turned his attention back to his phone and we was sure he wasn't paying attention we brought the situation back up.

"Do you think I should go to the police?" I asked Lauren.

"Hell yeah Kash! What that man did to you is not okay and his tired ass need to be punished for it." She replied.

"I know, but I kind of wanted to take matters into my own hands." I said.

"What you got in mind?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing yet, but once im back on my feet, best believe im paying that motherfucker a unfriendly visit." I said.

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