Chapter 15

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3 Months Later

So all my injuries healed and I'm finally done with my physical therapy. Right now, I'm getting dressed in all black while thinking of ways to torture Jay. I put on some black tights, a black crew neck, and some black polo boots. Then I slipped a black toboggan over my straightend hair. I grabbed my keys, leaving my phone on the night stand, my purse, and headed out.

I pulled up to that bastard house, patiently waiting for him to answer the door. When he finally did, he had a smirk on his face.

"Kash baby, I was waiting for you to come around again." He said.

"I bet you was. Can I come in?" I asked. He stepped aside, and I walked in. He went up to his bedroom and I followed him.

"I missed you." He said, undressing hiself.

"I missed you to daddy." I said. I pushed him down on the bed and stood over him smirking.

"So show me." He said. I nodded my head and started to give him a strip tease. I removed my crew neck, then my tights, then my hat which left me in my lace Victoria's Secret lingerie.

"Damn." He said, licking his lips. He was about to get up but I stopped him.

"No baby, let me take control." I said in a seductive tone. He laid back down. I went to my bag and pulled out the four sets of hand cuffs I had.

"I always knew you was a freak behind all that shyness." He said, chuckling as I hand cuffed his hands and feet to the bed. He had no idea what was in store for his sick ass.

"You ready." I said. He nodded his head with lust in his eyes as I licked my lips. I went to my bag and pulled out my baseball bat.

"W-what you doing?" He said, with fear in his voice.

I swung the bat and hit him right in his dick. Good thing he lived in a secluded area, cause he let out a ear splitting scream. I swung again, this time in his face hearing his nose crack followed my blood rushing out of it.

"You stupid bitch!" He yelled.

"You really gone talk to me like that while I'm standing here with a bat?" I asked.

"Bitch fuck you, you don't scare me!" He said. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Kash don't tolerate disrespect Jayquan." I said, with a evil smirk on my face.

I reached in my bag and grabbed the already roled blunt, waiting for me to smoke it. It became a habit that night August taught me how to roll. I watched him while smoking my blunt. I smoked it until it was just enough for me to burn him with. I burned a perfect circle between his eyes while he screamed and squirmed.

"Untie me now!" He said like I was really gone untie him.

"You shoulda thought of the fucking consequences when you raped me you sick bastard!" I yelled, getting mad.

I got my pliers out of my bag and ripped off his fingernails one by one. He was screaming in pain and it was music to my ears.

"Please let me go, I'll turn my self in to the police just please STOP!" He yelled.

"Bitch please. When I was screaming, crying and telling you to stop did you stop? Fuck no, so shut the fuck up and take the god damn pain like a man!" I said back.

I went back to my bag and pulled out my shank I made myself. I spelled out KASH in big letters right across his stomach. I didn't cut him deep enough for him to bleed to death, but deep enough for me to leave my mark.

"Wait till I get out this shit! I'm killing yo stupid ass!" He said. I laughed at his ass, like I was fucking rolling.

"What makes you think you getting out of this?" I said, trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard.

"So you gone kill me?" He asked, with a look of fear going across his face.

"It depends. You just threatened me, so I kinda don't have a choice." I said.

I put on my pair of black gardening gloves and reached for the pocket knife my daddy gave me before he disappeared. I kept it, just incase.

I got on top of him so that I was straddling him and spoke.

"If you be still then this will be less painful." I said, trying to hold in my laughs.

"Nah im fucking with you. Its gone hurt like hell either way." I said laughing and winking at him.

I carefully skinned his face, piece by piece making sure he suffered. He screamed and squirmed, trying to get out of my grip but I had the upper hand cause he was hand cuffed to the bed.

He was slowly starting to die and I felt like my job was complete. Ha, I'm the only bitch that could kill somebody and look sexy while doing it. I put all my material back in my bag and put my clothes back on. Jay was laying on the bed looking nasty and bloody as shit. I quickly left before I threw up from the smell of his body.

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