10: I Don't Care

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I'M BACK!!!! These are very slow updates and I apologize. I hope you guys are enjoying this book! We're in quarantine, so I'll try, no promises, to update more. Emphasis on "try" and "no promises", but anyways ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Percy's POV

My mind couldn't leave the fact that Annabeth, my queen, wasn't in her seat next to me, but instead still resting in our bed in the cabin we have in the woods near Montauk Beach, the only place left that we have connected to the mortal world. My eyes hardening as they glanced at the superheroes in front of me.

"Judgement? What do you mean by judgement?" Clinton stepped up to ask. Why is he out of all of them getting so bold?

"I told you to be quiet!" Thor grabbed his arm to push him back behind himself. As if that would help him? If I wanted him dead then he will be and right now he's really close to getting put on the wanted dead list.

"I suggest you listen to your god, mortal." Athena told them. "You're in our home. Even Thor wouldn't be able to protect all of you."

"Percy." My father called me, which had me giving him my attention. "Will you explain or should one of us do it?"

"I will." I sighed. Let's get this done quick, so I can go check on Annabeth.

"Perc..." Tony began, but I interrupted.

"Quiet!" Everyone froze and had all their attention on me. One of the downfalls of being king sometimes. "I used to be a demigod. Son of the god, Poseidon, and mortal, Sally Jackson, who I know find out used to be Stark." From the corner of my eye, I saw Poseidon look down in guilt and sadness because of the mention of my mother. "Due to events that occurred, my then girlfriend now wife, Annabeth, and I were granted immortality and became gods. Not my first rodeo. Now we're currently the king and queen of the Greek gods."

Avengers, except Thor, all stared at me in disbelief. "So my nephew is a god..." Tony mumbled to himself, but I could still hear his words. "Was that why Sally ran away?" He asked us and I looked towards my father, signaling him to answer.

"Partly." Poseidon answered. "She was young and was already pregnant with Percy." I clenched onto the arms of my throne, trying to ground myself and not let my emotions show. I don't like talking about my mother. Not in front of all these people. If I ever do, it's in a room with just me and Annabeth. No one else because I have nightmares or my mentality isn't in a great state, only Annabeth can help. She is the one person I can let my guard down with.

Tony was silent after that. Just lost in his own thoughts and I decided to continue. "Annabeth and I had originally decided to go someplace on our own and just teleport to Olympus whenever we need, but those plans changed once they found out who my new guardian is." I rolled my eyes. "I confused at first as to why your so important, but I can see why now. You're apparently Earth's mightiest heroes. If mortals could see through the mist, I don't know if they'll still think that, but I do admit. You're powerful. After all you caught me off guard earlier. Timing couldn't have been worse." I spat the last words out with venom laced in my voice causing them to flinch. They caught me while I was vulnerable. That's one mistake that won't ever happen again.

"And you had mentioned judgement earlier." Thor added.

"It's to see if you're still valuable to us." I told them. "You've heard about the myths. Gods are all about keeping grudges. While I would just go with never seeing any of again and go along with my original plans, some of them think a punishment should be given for the, quote unquote, 'acts against their rulers'. The others still believe your valuable."

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