1:The Promise

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Hey Percabeth fans!!!! OK this a new story by me of course. I have made other stories in my account which I hope you. I also hope that people will read this story. So ON WITH THE NEW STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Percy's POV

I stood there with my sword straight through her. The Mother of Earth, Gaea, is done for good.

"You stupid demigod I had great plans." Gaea's last words were as she turned back into dirt.

I fell on to my knees. My whole body was hurting and I was out of breath. Blood was all over me. I looked around and saw my dead friends.

Jason got stabbed from behind when monsters were surrounding him. Close to him was Piper. When Piper ran towards him when he got stabbed a monster got to her before she could fully reach. Frank's fire wood burned by one of the Giants. Hazel was laying on the ground with jewels all around her and a knife sticking out of her chest. Leo was literally on fire. When he saw what happened he surrounded himself in fire, screaming and was able to destroy a brunch of the monsters, but one got to close. (a.n I was so hesitant and crying over the next character's death scene) Nico was now just a shadow after shadow traveling, so much and became weak to hold himself still to this world. Thalia and the hunters came to help, but she got shot by an arrow.

Then I looked at a body on the ground that had blonde hair. My eyes widened when I realized who it was. I quickly got up, ignoring all the pain, and ran towards Annabeth.

I knelt down beside her and began shaking her. "Annabeth, wake up, please, I need you."

"I am here, Percy. I could never leave you." Annabeth's eyes slowly opened.

"But everyone else." I started crying so hard. Tears completely filled my face.

"I know. We are the only ones left. The others, they died as heroes." Annabeth touched my cheek. Tears also taking a hold of her eyes, too.

We held on to each other like this would be last, but it won't. "Annabeth, don't leave me either, never."

"I promise on the river of styx. We are never separating, not again." Annabeth promise and smiled at me.

"And I also promise to never leave you. I will protect you for the rest of my life. You are the only one." I smiled back. "Can you stand up?"

Annabeth nodded and I helped her up. Then suddenly, a white light surrounded us. 

We soon the white light faded away and we appeared in front of the gods on Olympus. I glared at them. "What could you guys want now? All of my friends are dead now. Are you happy? Is this what the fates intended seriously for my life."

The look at guilt showed on some of their faces and my dad spoke. "Percy, your mother and Paul....." He started.

"What happened to them?"

"Gaea's last thing she did to you for revenge was to kill them." Poseidon continued. When I heard that the world around me felt like crumbling down. My mother. The one that could always find away to make me smile no matter, the one that could always brighten up my day just by stepping into the same room as me.

Tears once again found my eyes as feel down on the floor. Annabeth hugged me and tried to calm myself down, but all I could do was hug her back and continue crying. I buried my face into her shoulder and just let the tears flow.

When I finally calmed down a little and the tears stopped the conversation with the god continued.

"You to have done many things for us and we will like to give you two demigods a gift." Zeus told us.

Annabeth and I looked at each other completely confused. What could the gods want to give us? "We would like to grant to two godhood." Hera said.

"And you can not refused because this time it is both of you." Zeus quickly added.

"Percy, why not. We got nothing else to do." Annabeth suggested and I nodded. I'll do anything as long as I am will my Wise Girl.

I looked up at the gods and nodded. Soon Zeus snapped his fingers and again white light surrounded us. The power that was coursing through me is amazing. When it was over I looked over at Annabeth. She was actually glowing. She looked beautiful. All the injuries and blood all over her were gone and replaced with a white rob. I myself even had the white rob.

"Perseus Jackson, god of waves, swordsmanship, leadership, and loyalty."

"Annabeth Chase, goddess of architecture, smarts, and pride." 

"Also we feel as though it is time for Zeus and Hera to step down from being King and Queen and make you two the new King and Queen." My father explained and my eyes widened. We just became gods and the rulers of the gods in a day.

Zues and Hera's thrones were pushed aside and two new thrones showed. We walked up to them hand in hand  and sat in our new thrones.

"All hail the new King and Queen of the gods!" The gods called out. 

Even after everything, I look at Annabeth and smiled and she smiled back. With this new power that I have, I will make sure that Annabeth never loses that smile. I will always protect her no matter what. I promise not just on the river of styx, but on my life.


What do you guys think of the first chapter. I am so sorry to the fact that I may have killed your fav character, but that is the plot. Please COMMENT and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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