9: Olympus

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Hey guys! Don't worry I haven't forgotten about this story. My laptop broke, so I'm using my phone, which I hate to type on. If there's anything wrong with this chapter, you now know why, so please tell me if I should fix anything. I really enjoy reading your comments. Also thanks for all the support that everyone gives. I really appreciate it. Now, after this long wait, ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!

Percy's POV

"Ugh..." I groaned as my eyes started to open, directly facing the bright light in the room. Gods damn. My head began to pound heavily the more I moved.

My eyes, now fully opened, travelled around to take in my surroundings and noticed that I was sitting in a chair. "Where the hell am I and what the hell happened?" My memory is all foggy. I kept going through my brain th figure out everything. The last thing I remember was the whole thing with Artemis, fighting with my uncle and his stupid band of superheroes, Annabeth coming to the tower, and then getting knocked out.

This happened in that godsdamn tower. All of this is the Avengers. With all that technology and, even if I hate to admit it, they are powerful, so there's no way in Tartarus it could be someone else. My eyes widened to this realization. Wait....where is Annabeth? "THESE BASTARDS!"

I tried to get up, but that's when I took notice to the fact that I was tied down to it. "DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT THESE WEAK BINDS CAN HOLD ME DOWN!!" All I did was move my wrists around the metal that held my hands broke. I did the same with my feet causing the same result with them. I stood up, now fully angry. "To think that I ever thought that..."

I turned around, looking at a big glass mirror on the wall. I know that they are behind. I can see them. After spending time, practicing with Hecate to see if I can look through any kind of mist. These type of walls that mortals created are not difficult to see through. I started at every last one of them. Making sure they quivered under my glare. All of the Avengers were there, except Thor, and this man with a eye patch.

"Oi, you bastards, I can see you and I swear if there is even the littlest of scratches on Annabeth, I will kill you." I threatened them making them even more frightened then they already were.

"P-Percy, sit down and everything will be ok." I heard Tony stutter through a mic that connected the speakers in the room.

"Did you honestly think that after what you have done. I would listen to you just because your my uncle. A man that has never been in my life." I replied in a cold tone. "After what you have done, you may have just become one of my top 10 hated people in this world." I could tell that what I said hurt. It hurt bad. Good that should teach him for doing this.

The man with the eye patch seemed to have composed himself a little and also spoke through the mic. "If you don't want anything bad to happen to that girl of yours, I suggest you sit down."

"Oh, daring. Threatening me with Annabeth." Now giving him my full attention out of them all. "Many have thought that cheap trick would get to me. In some circumstances, it would work, but in this one, its seems you have ran out of luck."

At that moment I evaporate traveled to right behind them. The man and the Avengers were in shock and in confusion as to where I could have gone until they realized where I was. "How did he..."  Natalie mumbled.

"That little trick is something I learned from a friend." I sneered. "Now before I hurt anyone of you, I suggest you tell me where Annabeth is."

"We aren't telling you anything!" Bruce answered for them.

"Then it looks like your going to be the first one to take a trip to Tartarus." I walked towards Bruce. The others tried to get ready to fight, but I already in arms length to him. I was about to grab onto him until someone interrupted me.

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