5: I Only Need Annabeth

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Hey Percabeth fans!!!!!! I am so sorry that I haven't been able to update sooner. School is a pain. I have like 4 essays due on the same day which was yesterday, so yay, I am free now. I might be updating my other stories after this, but emphasis "might"  meaning that I might not update my other stories. So anyway ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Percy's POV

When Annabeth and I made it into my new room. I kissed her with all the passion I could put in the kiss. My arms snaked around Annabeth's waist and her arms around my neck. We soon pulled apart after a while, all because of something we all need called oxygen.

"I hate what the gods are making me do." I said to her when we laid down on my bed with my head buried into her chest. "Not having you beside me isn't something I like."

"Olympus does seem empty without even though it is full of ego filled gods." Annabeth chuckled and I chuckled, too. "Though, it seems like your also going to be spending your time with a god, too."

"Oh yeah, Thor. Athena told me about him before I left." I added.

"Honestly, Seaweed Brain, my mother shouldn't have to explain a god to you. You should know them all, you are the king of gods." She lectured me.

"Actually, I am the king of Greek Gods, not Roman or Norse or Egyptian, and I know my Greek Gods. If you want to know the rest of them then that is the definition of extra." I let my Persassy slip out.

"It is not being extra!" Annabeth yelled at me. "It's a requirement."

"Nope, it's extra."

"Tell me why I decided to even marry you." Annabeth sighed.

I held her hand up to my lips to kiss it and looked up at her, giving my troublemaker smirk. "Because you love me."

"Oh right, that's why." She smiled at me and my whole day got even brighter than before.

Our lips connected again and the simple kiss turned into a make out session. Things were getting even more serious until someone knocked on my door making Annabeth disconnected our lips and pushed me away from on top of her. Making me groan out of annoyance. 

I got up from my bed and walked up to my door to open it to reveal Natalie. I glared at her and this time on purpose. "What, I was busy."

"Percy, don't be rude!" I heard Annabeth yelled from the inside of my room. "And wipe that glare off your face!"

"Yes, mom." I sighed.

"I heard that!"

"Fine, sorry." I took my attention back to Natasha, who looked like she was trying not to laugh. "Ok, so what do you need?"

"Dinner is ready, so hurry up." With that she left.

I closed my door and went back inside my room. "So where were we?" I leaned in to continue our previous actions.

"No, Percy." Annabeth moved out the way. "You heard what she said. Dinner is ready and we need to hurry."

I groaned and got up. "Fine."  I held Annabeth's hand and we went to the kitchen. There we found two bowls of spaghetti and quickly grabbed them, so that none of the Avengers would see me and Annabeth and I can eat in my room. 

Though, of course, that wouldn't work. We just had to bump into Tony, who had his arms crossed. "Sorry, you two, but no eating in the room. Join us in the living room. We're planning on watching a movie."

"Um, no thank you." I tried to escape, but Annabeth elbowed me hard on the stomach.

"Thanks, we will take the offer." Annabeth smiled, but I just kept a frown. The three of us went to the living room where everyone was fighting between watching Jumanji  or Kingsman: The Golden Circle

They quieted down when Annabeth and I entered the room. We sat on  the couch and I handed Annabeth her bowl of spaghetti. "If you don't mind, I think that Jumanji  will be the better movie to watch." Annabeth said.

The others smiled and Thor looked like he was going to start screaming. "Ha, now that is four against three now." Clinton cheered to which Bruce and Tony smiled, but Natasha, Thor, and Steve booed.

"Come on, Percy. Tell me that don't want to watch Jumanji." Steve told me.

"I would choose Kingsman..." Steve, Natash, and Thor began to cheer not letting me finish my sentence, "but I already seen that movie, so I choose Jumanji." The others cheered and boos came.

Clinton put on the movie and soon we finished our bowl of spaghetti. Annabeth sat on my lap to cuddle closer to me and I put my arms around her. I have to admit this movie is actually good and it is really hilarious that it made Annabeth laugh a little including me. 

When the movie was over, Annabeth fell asleep. "Ok, I may have wanted to watch Kingsman, but this movie was also good." Natasha strenched and everyone agreed.

I held Annabeth bridal style and got up with her in my arms. "We're going to bed." I began walking towards my room, but stopped. "Goodnight, I will see you guys in the morning." With that I continued towards my room. I am not getting close to those guys. I can't, not to those type of people who get into dangerous situations. If something terrible happens then I won't be hurt or blame myself again like with everyone else. I have Annabeth and I only need Annabeth, the only person I need to protect. 


That's it for this chapter. I hope that you liked it. I know that it took awhile, but at least I updated. Please COMMENT and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANIMELOVER8776 OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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