3: Mom

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Hey Percabeth fans! I am so sorry that I have't updated in awhile. I am getting very interested in my other stories especially one of my stories called The Prince and his Servent. It is based of a show that I love called Merlin. You guys should watch it! It is amazing and give you so many feels! Watch it, it's on netflix! Anyway ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Percy's POV

I went into the elevator with Tony when a voice came from nowhere and made me jump a little. "Welcome to Avenger's Towers." 

Where did that come from. Only Tony and I are here. "Who is that?"

Tony chuckled a little fro my reaction"Relax, it's just Jarvis. Stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System and he is just a system that controls the building's other systems." I nodded.

Soon the elevator dinged and opened showing me a big room that seemed like the living room. There were five people in there, but the person that really caught my attention was the guy who was holding a hammer and had long blonde hair. I could easily tell that he was a god by the power radiating from him. He must be Thor.

Those five people that included Thor stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Guys meet Perseus Jackson!" Tony greeted me.

"Just Percy not Perseus." I quickly added.

"Oh right, sorry, I forgot." Tony apologized. "Anyway, meet the Avengers!"

The Avengers except Thor looked at me like some type of reaction was going to come out of me, but when it didn't they seemed shocked. Thor seemed to realize something and he began smiling brightly. I gave him a look telling him to not tell anyone and he nodded in response.

I looked back at the rest of the Avengers, who seemed like they still waiting for that reaction. "Look, Tony told me that your superheros that seemed to have saved the world, but I never knew until now, so don't expect some type of fangirling reaction from me." I rolled my eyes. This just made the shock on their faces bigger. 

"Ok then, Percy meet Natalie aka Black Widow, Clint aka Hawkeye, Bruce aka The Hulk, Steve aka Captain Amercia, and finally the one you already know Thor, Norse god of thunder." Tony pointed everyone out and they all said hey. 

"Um, Tony do you mind explaining why you brought a kid here if he isn't a fan?" Bruce asked him. I raised an eyebrow at Tony. So he hasn't told them about me then. 

"Oh right, I told you guys about my sister well um she died and since I am the only family left I am his new guardian, so he will be staying with us from now on." Tony explained to them. My fist clenched at the mention of my mom. It was all my fault that she died. If I was just able to protect her and Paul this would have never happened. I just want to go back to Annabeth. She is the only one left that hasn't died including my dad, but he is a god, so it was expected. 

I wish that I could just stay at Olympus, but when they found out who my guardian was supposed to be, they told me that I need to go since the mist is a little bit out of order and monsters have gotten stronger. I never understood how me getting Tony Stark as a guardian was going to help, but now I do. They were superheros, so they should know if a monster is going to attack. Though, I seriously don't understand how me, king of the gods, got forced into this when someone else could just stay with the mortals to know what is going on.

"Well then welcome to Avenger Tower, kid." Natasha told me.

"Thanks, and can you please not call me kid." They nodded and I looked back at Tony. "Now can I please go to my room?"

"Yeah, it's down the hall, last door to the left." I nodded and took my suit with me as I went to find my room. 

I found my room and immediately went straight to my bed. I sighed, I am already uncomfortable. I want my usual bed where I sleep next to Annabeth. Ugh, speaking of that, my dang nightmares are going to be crazy without Annabeth. After, the war and everyone's death including tartarus I have been getting terrible nightmares which Annabeth is only able to get me out of. Annabeth also gets nightmares, too, about tartarus and I can only get her out of it. Did the gods even think about that. Apollo is still trying to figure out a way to cure it. Well, I already know that I won't be able to get enough sleep for awhile.

There was a knock on my door and I already knew that is was Bruce since I can sense him. "What is it?"

"Um, sorry to disturb you, but since you are staying here you need to a check up." He said through the door. My eyes widened. If I get a check up they will realize that I am a god and they would see all my scars. Thor already knows about who I am, but I am not letting anybody else on this team know.

"I am not doing a stupid check up." I answered him while getting out of my bed to start unpacking my things.

Then the door opened with Bruce stepping into the room which I glared at him for and he stopped walking. "Sorry, but you need that check up to see if you are healthy."

"Yeah, I know what a check up does, but I am not doing it." I still argued back. Bruce just walked out the room with the door closing behind him. I seriously need to lock that door which I did.

I finished unpacking my things when another knock was heard on my door. This time it being my uncle and I groaned. "I am not doing that check up even if my guardian tells me to."

"Percy, what are so afraid of, It's just a check up?" Tony asked.

"I am not afraid of the check up." I technically was telling the truth. The check up is not what I am scared about, but is of them finding out about who I am. For no one else to die because of me I need them not to know. 

"Ugh, I didn't know that you were stubborn like Sally." Fists clenched again when I heard of my mom. Why is he so upset now. While he and his rich self was here being a superheros, my mother was having trouble trying to protect me by marrying a terrible man. She was struggling while he was having the time of his life. Just where was he?

I walking up to my door and opened it to face him. "You have no right say her name." I growled also giving him a glare.

"Percy..." I shut the door before he was able to finish his sentence. I heard him walk away from the door. Maybe I shouldn't have been so rude about it. He did say that he never knew where she was since she ran away and thought that she was dead. Great now I feel bad. Life is seriously complicated.


Ok that is it for this chapter! I hoped you liked it. Please read my other stories, spread the word about me. Oh and please COMMENT and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANIMELOVER8776 OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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