7: The Hope That I Once Had

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Hey guys! What's up? Sorry for not updating in awhile but I have been having writers block for this and I just recently thought of what I was going to do for this chapter. Anyway ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE!!!!!!!! ITS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Percy's POV

Ugh! You would honestly think that a place full of dramatic and powerful gods, would be interesting. Well, it's the exact opposite. You really get irritated and tired when your constantly hearing whining and complaining. 

"Zeus! How could you cheat on my again!" Hera constantly screamed into Zeus' ear.

"You bastard! How could you take my daughter away from me, again?"

"Stop complaining, woman. She decided to eat food from the Underworld. You should be happy with the fact that I let her even come and see you seasonally." Hades covered his ears from the continuous nagging.

"Stop touching my wife, Ares." Hephaestus cried.

"You know, you owe me for letting you win that city from me long ago." My dad brought up to Athena.

"I won it fair and square. Stop getting salty because an olive tree is better than your stupid horses!" Athena clapped back. Ooohhh, I think my dad needs to take a minute in his underwater palace to cool off that burn.

Annabeth just sat by my side on her throne, while I'm sitting on mine, sighing and rolling her eyes at the scene. We gave up trying to calm them when all they would do is get louder and louder. What's funny is that this whole meeting was about us helping Camp Half-Blood with giving them better training equipment. Yet, somehow they started fighting on which weapon to give to them and then it turned into this.   

""APOLLO! Stop flirting with my hunters!" Artemis quickly shot her arrows at Apollo suddenly, but he just dodged them.

"ARTEMIS, YOU COULD HURT SOMEONE WITH THOSE!!!!!!!" Annabeth yelled at them, once again trying to calm those twins down. "ARTEMIS!!!!"

Then the unthinkable happened. Over the loud bickering, Artemis didn't hear Annabeth's warnings, so she kept shooting arrows. As Apollo dodged one of them, it went straight towards Annabeth in rapid speed. "ANNABETH!!" I tried warning her, but it was to late. Annabeth didn't notice in time and it was close to hitting her. She closed her eyes to brace for impact, but it never came. It was as if time slowed down and I reacted quickly. The arrow, being about a few centimeters from Annabeth's chest, was caught in my hand.

Then I snapped. That arrow almost hit her. It almost hit my Wise Girl. Rage swarmed inside me as I broke the arrow in two when I squeezed my hand around it harder and harder. "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I roared at the already quieted gods and goddesses that witnessed the whole scene. Fear ran through their faces as I used my scariest and coldest glare at them, especially at Artemis. 

"P-Percy, I-I'm sorry." Artemis stuttered in fear. "I was aiming for Apollo because he kept flirting with my hunters and..."

Before she finished her explanation, I appear in front of her with so much speed that no one's eyes could catch up to the movement. I grabbed the helm of her tunic (a.n I read that that's what Artemis usually wear, so yeah) and raised her up by it. "Your hunters!" I began to scream and her fear increased. Good she should be afraid of me. How dare she almost hurt her! The one person that keeps me sane and the only person that I truly have left! "Do you honestly believe that I have any shred of care about your hunters right now?"

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