2: Meeting the Broken

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Hey Percabeth fans! I finally get to continue to this story. So please ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I freaking love the anime for this nightcore! You guys should watch it!


Tony Stark's/Iron Man's POV

I was working in my lab on a new suit when Jarvis interrupted my concentration. "Tony, have you forgotten what you are suppose to be doing at this time?"

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 3:30. My eyes widened. "Crap. I thought I had a couple more hours left! Now I am 30 minutes late!" I had to get there fast, so I put on my Iron Man suit.

What a great first impression!  I sighed. I should explain. I found out that my long lost sister including her husband were killed. Her name was Sally. First, I lose my parents in a plane accident and now I lose my sister, who I thought was dead since she ran away when we were just teenagers and I never saw her again. I didn't even get a chance to meet her. When she died, she left her son, Perseus Jackson. Since, I was the closest and only living relative, I was now Perseus' guardian.

I wanted to make a good first impression even though he should know be already since I am Iron Man, but I wanted him to know the guy behind the suit, not just the suit person. I finally make it to the spot where we are supposed to meet and I landed at a spot where no one would see me. I put on a disguise to hide that fact that I am Tony Stark because usually when one of the Avengers are in plain sight, fans start swarming around us.

I chose to meet at Starbucks because who doesn't like Starbucks. I went inside and started to look for a teenager with a suit case with him since he will be moving into the Avengers tower today. My eyes finally landed on a teenager with jet black hair that was really messy and sea green eyes. He also had a blue suit case next to him. He chose a window seat, so he was just staring right out of it.

There he is. I walked up to him and sat down. His gaze dropped from the window on to me. I shivered at his eyes. When you get a closer look at them then you could see that they are broken from sadness and sorrow. It is like he carried the world on his shoulders and went through actual hell. I could only see a little bit of happiness in them. What happened to him?

"Hey, kid." I smiled at him even though I had something covering that part of my face, so he wouldn't be able to see it.

"You are going to let me see your face or are you just going to keep on that disguise." Perseus said to me. His voice even sounded broken.

"I can show you for a few seconds. I don't want people knowing who I am." I took off the sunglasses and the thing that was covering half of my face. I then quickly put them back on.

I looked to see his reaction on what he just learned to see an excited a expression or him jumping in his seat to the fact that his new guardian was the Tony Stark, but there was none of that. Only confusion. "Who are you? Some super famous person or something?" Perseus questioned me and I was shocked.

"I am Tony Stark." I said, thinking that it would ring a bell. 

"And I am Perseus Jackson though I want to be called Percy. I thought that we knew that already." I just freaking saved the world and he doesn't know who I am! I explained to him who I was, the avengers, my tower, and about how I saved the world. When I finished, I still didn't get anything, but an expressionless face. 

"All I know from what you said was Thor. Surprised that a god would show himself in public like this." Percy mumbled that last part, so that I didn't fully hear, but I got the first part. How could he just know Thor!

"Well before we leave to your new home, would you like to explain to me about you?" I asked him. Percy explained to me about him loving blue food, which I found weird until he explained why. Sally always likes to be right. Also, how since he was 12 has been going to a camp, but he won't tell me the name and here it was located. About him having a girlfriend named Annabeth Chase. I was happy when the little part of happiness grew a little when he mentioned her.

"I may also get called to the Empire State Building for meetings a lot." Percy finished.


"Well, let us just say that I have a high position there." Percy said and I just nodded. He seemed to be hiding stuff from me. Like, how could a kid have business at the Empire State Building. I have to ask him about it later.

"Alright then come on. Time to go. I will call a cab to come get us." I told him and he nodded. While we waited for it, we got some Starbucks drinks. I could tell that the waitress was flirting with Percy, but he seemed like he was just ignoring her. I see the loyal type then.

The cab came and got us. It dropped us off at the front of the Avenger Towers and I smiled. "Welcome, Percy, to your new home!"


Ok guys. I hoped you liked this chapter. Don't worry Annabeth will be in this story, but not frequently in every chapter! Please COMMENT and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANIMELOVER8776 OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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