Chapter Sixty Eight

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Naruto frowned. There were three signatures. Three apart from the Zetsu. Three, when there was only supposed to be two. One was Madara's. One was Obito's. But that third one was. . .

The wall started moving, startling Naruto from his thoughts. He immediately repositioned his blade infront of him, unconcioisly shifting closer to Kakashi and Rin and maybe Minato as well. He felt the barrier retract itself. This didn't sit right with him, always the pariniod war veteran. He didn't like the fact that they were being allowed in. He gotten he sinking feeling that the mission wasn't all that they planned for. They were no longer working on his accord, but rather that of the enemy.

Suddenly he felt so very underprepared for this. He was going to face his greatest enemy and he brought two twelve year-olds along. Why did he think that was a good idea? But he knew they could take care of themselves, he knew they were both dangerous in their own right. Besides, he didn't think this Madara's would see enough worth in them to bother trying to harm them. And even if he did, Naruto would never let Madara touch a hair on their heads. He felt that at least, was within his capabilities. Still, he felt anxiety run through him, fueled, unbidden, by the adrenaline that he once craved when he was a thousand years younger and untouched by war's acidic, immoral corruptions.

Beside him he could sense Minato stirring and felt the rush of his chakra as he readied his body for action, watching the door open just like the rest of them.

Thirty centimeters; dirt floor. Sixty; they could see the light filtering in through the roof and creating abstract patterns that danced on the ground. A meter; they could make out a strange rock potrusion that was too smooth and precise to not have a purpose. The door finally dragged fully open and the sound of grating rock halted, leaving such a silence that it hurt to listen.

There they were. The rock potrusion indeed have the purpose of holding their fifth member of Team Seven. And behind him was the man himself; Madara Uchiha sitting straight and proud on his chair of stone as if he were a king sitting upon a throne and looking down on peasants he knew he was about to damn.

"Long time no see." his voice was old and raspy, but just as cold and calculated and it trudged up dastardly images that would forever be known only to the Uzumaki. Naruto couldn't speak. Frozen at the implications of his words. At the sick recognition in which he addressed the group; or more, in which he addressed Naruto.

How is this possible? He asked himself, almost ready to flee. Naruto felt then, something he hadn't in a long long time; fear.

"Obito!" Rin shouted and darted forward to where he lay. Unconscious and unmoving, the others noted. He could have been dead save for the small rising and falling of his chest that indicated breath.

With refined reflexes, more apt than any feline, Minato grabbed her at the last second and pushed her roughly back into Kakashi who got the message and latched an arm around her waist, keeping her there despite her futile struggles.

"Rin, don't move." Minato instructed. He was watching Naruto and could tell something was off. He wasn't sure if he should ask, but he wanted to.

"Let the girl in, I won't hurt her." Madara said. But Naruto didn't trust him. If he did indeed know what he implied he did, than he would try to take the girl's life at almost any cost. He would want Obito on his side and would fail to accomplish that as long as the boy had Rin to go back to.

"You two stay here." he instructed, taking his eyes from the threat to look at them. Hesitantly, they nodded. Kakashi in particualr looked as if it pained him to do so, but this was quickly turning into much more than a rescue mission and he knew that.

Swallowing any arisen cowardice, Naruto took a step forward. Then two. Minato answered the silent request and was beside him as they moved to Obito. Naruto continued to watch Madara and Madara watched him. Behind him, he could just make out the silhouette of a person.

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