Chapter Sixty Two

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The village was only two more hours away and Naruto couldn't be more glad for it. They were all tired and in need of the kind of rest you can only really get at home. Not to mention the Sannin were getting on his nerves. Orochimaru was always walking uncomfortably close to the Uzumaki, and Naruto could feel him watching him closely, though he wasn't about to say anything. He found the man even more severely creepy than he had before coming to the past. Maybe it is because Naruto knew him so well and had heard a lot of stories of how he used experiment on humans, mean women and even children, looking for the answer to immortality. Naruto honestly felt like Orochimaru would try to cut him open right then and there if there weren't witnesses.

Tsunade on the other hand constantly found something to complain about, like Jiraiya for example. Or the pace. Or Jiraiya. Or that her feet were sore. Or Jiraiya. She also protestested to Naruto's instance of checking in at the medical centers that were at each of the outlying villages he had mentioned, not wanting a check up because 'she was the best medic in the five nations' as she so humbly pointed out, and 'she didn't need uneducated old fools and their basic knowledge of weeds to confirm what she already knew'.

As for Jiraiya, he was just being, well. . . Jiraiya. Enough said. He took every opportunity to go to the bath houses, and not for his interest in personal hygiene. Though for his credit, he never did bring up the scroll or Naruto being from future. However if this was simply out of decency or because he wanted to speak with Minato about it first Naruto wasn't certain.

One good thing is that they hadn't run into any enemy shinobi yet, and being so close to the village as they were, the chances that they would were closer to nothing. After their victory at Kannabi Bridge, despite the loss in number, the favor of the war smiled on the Leaf, they were stronger than the other nations at the moment. Unlike the other nations, the Leaf had a strong supply of reinforcements coming from a few small nations that the Fire Nation shared boarders with.

The hours passed by slowly and the late August breeze brought with it the sweet scent of changing seasons. By time the group reached the gates Jiraiya and Tsunade were all but dragging their feet, even Orochimaru was looking a little worse for wear.

To Naruto's surprise, Minato and Rin were waiting for them when they walked into the bustling village. Even Kakashi was there, leaning against a small tree and frowning thoughtfully at the dirt.

"Minato!" Jiraiya shouted before anyone had time to react to eachother. Minato beamed at his teacher.

"Hey Jiraiya-Sensei!" Minato called back enthusiastically. He came over to greet them with a wide grin stretched across his face mirroring Jiraiya's own. "So you were part of Naruto's mission then? Lord Hokage would only tell me that it was classified, but I would find out when he came back." he talked good-naturedly.

Both men simultaneously glanced back at the Uzumaki who's eyes narrowed at them in response.

"Yeah, we were in a bit of a pickle, but not to worry, we came away unscathed!" Jiraiya said, chuckling sheepishly.

Minato smiled at him. "That's good. What do you say we catch up over a drink?" he offered.

"Well sure, I would never turn down an opportunity to spend time with my prized pupil. Hey I heard that this really good bar just opened up on the east side," Jiraiya said. Then leaning close he whispered - very poorly as the others could still hear - "I heard the women are to die for."

Minato snorted and shook his head at Jiraiya's antics.

Tsunade rolled her eyes. "The testosterone is making me queasy. I'm leaving." she called goodbyes over her shoulder as she headed in the direction of her apartment. Orochimaru left too, sending one last curious glance at Naruto before leaving.

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