Chapter Fourty

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(A/n) alot of people have been asking about the gun. I've kinda always assumed that guns existed in the Naruto Universe and shinobi just didn't use them because they were loud and shinobi already had weapons and jutsu that worked just fine of them, but I could be wrong. Anyway, it's already written so I won't change it, sorry if it bothers you. Also, I know that it said I had updated Chaper Fourty Six(I). That was my mistake, I accidently pressed publish while I was writing. I feel bad so here's an actual chapter.

Naruto stared down the barrel of the gun as if it was as harmless as a daisy. "You know some say a gun is a cowards weapon." he said with an air of nonchalance.

The man smiled grimaced at the comment. "Maybe so, but it's effective is it not?" Naruto couldn't argue with that. "Besides, scrawny bastard like you wouldn't be much of a challenge even without it. You know, I used to be a chuunin." he stated proudly as if that should leave Narto shaking in his boots.

Scrawny? Naruto looked at his reflection in a nearby window. The team had been given two days off so he wasn't in his usual ANBUish attire. Instead he wore a baggy long-sleeved orange shirt and black jeans. In these clothes, with his lithe build that supported speed rather than brute strength, he could see how he had been mistaken for being scrawny.

Around him, the other men grew agitated at the drawn out silence. "Your money now!" one yelled. He finally took his eyes away from his reflection to look the bearded man in the eyes.

"Well you heard the man." the gun wielder said

"You should leave before you regret it." Naruto warned. The man was taken aback for a second. He took a good look at the 'unimpressive' looking teen infront of him, before exploding in a rather hyenish fit of cruel laughter.

"Leave he says!" his men laughed with him. "Or what? Are you gonna play ninja, try to take out the bad guy?" he mocked making a falsely pitying face. "Wouldn't be the first time." he paused to laugh more. Naruto waited patiently for them to calm down. "Now." the man said, suddenly serious. "I will say it only once more. Give. Us. Your. Money."

Naruto chuckled, shrugging inexpressively. "Just as well, I wasn't going to let you go anyways."

"What are you talking about?"

"In this village I'm genuinely surprised you haven't been charged yet. Then again you metioned you used to be a chuunin so you probably have some friends to keep you out of that kind of trouble. Are they chuunin too?" Naruto could see from the look in his eyes that they were.

"Damn right." he said confidently, threateningly even. Not too bright this one, Naruto thought.

"Ya know, that kinda thing works according to rank. So if say~ a jounin were to press charges on you," he took a pause to gesture to him and all his friends. "Nothing your chuunin friends could do would get you out of your, well deserved, punishment." the men all shifted nervously except the boss man.

"You have jounin friends then?" he assumed. "I don't believe you."

"Actually, I was refering to myself." there was a disbelieving silence and then. . . renewed laughter filled the air.

"I don't believe it for a second." the man said.

Naruto gave him a fox-like grin. "Then maybe I should just show you."


Naruto leaned against a wall in the Konoha police station waiting for someone to take a report. "Oh hello." greeted a soft voice. He glanced over, then smiled and bowed respectfully when he saw who it was.

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