Chapter Twenty Nine

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His instincts didn't leave him time for consideration for the consequences of his actions. He almost couldn't control it as he pushed chakra to his feet and at near inhuman speed he flashed to where Minato and the two enemy shinobi fought.

There was silence as everyone took in what he had done. In his right hand Naruto grasped the blonde jounin's wrist, his jutsu an inch away from Killer B's chest. Naruto's left leg was still raised from the kick he had used to send A across the lot - he had been mere moments away from reaching Minato and seriously maiming - if not killing - him.

"That's enough now." he said sternly as if scolding children. He looked at the three men before saying. "We seem to be just about evenly matched here. If we continue fighting it is likely that we could all die then neither of our nations would benefit from this pathetic battle."

His declaration of equality however, rang painfully untrue as the unconscious bodies of the Cloud's jounin lay defeated before them with the single, unscathed man that was responsible for it all staring them down. Between this mysterious monster, and the Leaf's infamous Yellow Flash before them, what choice did they have but to concede? What purpose could they serve if they were dead? However, their pride would not take to reason so quickly.

"Those sound like the word of a coward. What, are you scared now?" A asked incredulously. Naruto fixed him with a glare that would scare the devil. He was never particularly fond of A, he only met him once or twice in his time and the Raikage left a less than good impression on the teen.

"A." Naruto started, letting the imposing man know that he knew exactly who he was dealing with. "You're the head of this mission, right? So, you're the only one with the authority to call it quits. I'm not scared. But you have come onto Fire Nation territory with ill intent. Now I like to consider myself somewhat of a pacifist. I truely wish you no harm as of now, but if you don't set aside your foolish pride and take the loss on this one, what do you think would be the chances of you winning? Between Minato and I, and just the two of you? You know we haven't come alone. The odds aren't exactly weighing in you favor. Consider your comrades' lives here. I haven't killed them, but I can't let you continue to threaten my home. We will let you go, if you leave now." he spat harshly. Minato looked like he also wanted to object but a withering look from the blonde told him it wouldn't be a good idea. The kid knew what he was doing.

A still looked unconvinced. "Maybe we should listen to him on this one my brother." Killer B suggested, not out of fear exactly. But looking at the young man before him, he got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He recalled bumping into the blonde on the streets the day before and he really hadn't seemed like much at the time. Seeing him now however, maybe it would be better if they left before they found out what he was fully capable of. He wasn't ready to throw their lives away for mere sake of pride.

"Shut up B! You want to throw away our mission because some brat told us to?!" he shouted. Killer B went to respond but Naruto did first.

"Look around you!" Naruto spat, gesturing to the littered lot. "You better decide what their lives are worth to you. Don't forget that we have a mission too. Quite frankly I don't much like the idea of killing, but I don't necessarily get to make that call. Just stand down and we can agree to a temporary truce for the time being." even Minato looked at him as if he were crazy. These ninja that they were at war with were invading on their nation's territory and he wanted a 'temporary truce'? He knew there was more to this than 'we could all die' crap. Naruto wasn't a coward so it couldn't be that. Was he worried about him? Minato wondered. It was the most probable answer but also the most infuriating one. He would defiantly be interrogating the Uzumaki later and he sure as hell better have a good excuse.

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