Chapter Seventeen

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Minato waited impatiently for the Hokage to arrive. He paced the room while going over the many questions he planned to ask the man. Such as who is this boy? Where did he come from? Why was he passed out in the forest? Since when was there an Uzumaki aside from Kushina in the village? Oh, and of course What the hell was this about Naruto and the Nine-Tails?!

The old wooden door creaked open and the Third Hokage finally came in. Minato watched as the old man made his way to his desk and sat down facing the window. As Minato opened his mouth to speak Sarutobi held up a hand to silence the man.

"I know you have a lot of questions Minato, but I cannot provide with all the answers. It is simply not my place." he said. Minato thought on that and for a moment longer it was quiet.

"Can we trust him? I mean is he really who he says he is? Are you certain he's not an enemy?" Minato spewed in a serious tone.

"Yes we can trust him. He is quite the remarkable young man, he will prove an invaluable asset in the future of this war." the Hokage promised. "You may still have doubts about him but that is something I'm sure will disappear once you spend time with him."

Minato wore a look of confusion. "What do you mean 'spend time with him?'" he inquired. He may have brought him to the village but that didn't mean he was going to be best friends with the kid. The Hokage didn't answer.

"Okay. . . well something is still bothering me." the old man waved his hand as a way of telling him to proceed, though he already knew what the blonde man was going to say. "He said something about the Nine Tails - what did he mean? I thought Kushina was the jinchuuiki of the Nine Tails?"

"She is." Sarutobi confirmed.

"Then how-"

"Have patience Minato." he interrupted. "You will know when the time comes." said man was getting very frustrated with the lack of knowledge he was receiving. He just wanted to know that this mysterious blonde man was safe. That he wasn't going to pose any threat, intentional or otherwise.

"Thank you Lord Hokage." he said while bowing. He thought it best to leave before he got angry, besides he got the feeling that the only way his questions about Naruto would be answered was of the boy himself. I guess I will be spending time with him after all.

"Minato." the sound of his name halted the yellow-haired man. "Naruto will be assigned to work with your team once he is all healed." the Hokage informed.

Minato's jaw hit the floor. "What!" he practically shouted. "Why?! Don't I get a say in this?!" he was outraged. Whatever the Hokage had said in his favor, he didn't quite trust Naruto to be with his adorable students. He seemed too unpredictable, e n if he did mean well.

"I think it would be good for all those involved. It's only for a few months though. Then, if you are still opposed, I will have him reassigned." explained the aged man. This time he wasn't stopped as Minato left the Hokage's tower fuming.

The cool evening rain chilled his skin and helped him cool down. He got small greetings from the villagers and his fellow shinobi which he returned with a forced smile. He took a familiar route to his and Kushina's apartment. As he walked he thought about the situation at hand. About Naruto being assigned to his team. Maybe this could be a good thing after all, right? He did want answers that only the boy could or would give him. However, Minato knew that it was this connection he felt with the blonde that made him so wary and unsure, it made him want to trust him with out a second thought which was never a good thing, nevermind in a war. Especially regarding someone who posed more questions than answers.

He sighed and opened his apartment door to be greeted with the smell of Kushina's delicious cooking.

"Is something wrong dear?" she asked, hearing his sigh. Kushina was a beautiful woman with long red hair that reached passed her knees. She had in Minato's opinion, the most gorgeous deep blue eyes. Just seeing her waiting for him brought a smile to his face.

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